MLK’s ‘Dream’ Speech Is Coming True, His Niece Says

Rachel del Guidice

Document Publication: The Daily Signal -

Publication Date: August 27, 2018

Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece says her uncle’s vision in his iconic “I Have a Dream” speech is being brought to fruition today.

“Are we living in a perfect society today? No, but the dream is being realized 55 years later,” pro-life activist Alveda King told The Daily Signal in an interview Monday ahead of the 55th anniversary Tuesday of King’s famous speech.

King, who directs the Civil Rights for the Unborn program for the organization Priests for Life, said of her uncle’s oratory:

He said ‘Let freedom ring’ and he named all of the different places, including the hamlets, the townships, and he says ‘from the hilltops’ [and] I think of Stone Mountain … in Georgia.

This year, 55 years later, I was at Stone Mountain for a OneRace rally that was led by millennials, and so prophetically, many of the things that Martin Luther King Jr. dreamed 55 years ago are being revisited today.

MLK delivered the speech during the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom on Aug. 28, 1963, about five years before his assassination in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968. It was prophetic, Alveda King said, because her uncle’s vision for a more unified and equal America has been coming true.

This is an excerpt. Read the entire article on The Daily Signal.

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