I was born and raised in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania. I currently live in King of Prussia in Pennsylvania, only a few minutes from the park I have hiked and biked throughout my whole life.
I have five amazing children: Kevin, Katie, Aleena, Steven and Stanley. It’s been a joy watching our family grow and expand! We recently welcomed two amazing sons-in-law as well as a beautiful daughter-in-law who has gifted us with our first two grandsons, William and Peter. Kevin and I have been married for 33 years and have been blessed by the support from our family as we grew Rachel’s Vineyard, and especially the efforts of my sister, Katie D’Annunzio, who has played an indispensable role in helping us in the day to day operations of a worldwide ministry. She also takes care of our mother Margie Kaminski, who will turn 90 this summer!
Rachel’s Vineyard joined Priests for Life in 2003. I had written the Rachel’s Vineyard retreat support group model and weekend retreat manual in 1994. Father Frank Pavone came to help at one of our retreats in the 90’s. As our ministry became an international apostolate, we approached Father Frank to help us manage the exponential growth. We worked out of our home with old donated computers, no staff or even space for volunteers to help. If Priests for Life had not come forward to help us, I honestly don’t believe we could have continued responding to all the demands from new ministries trying to start, all the demands for training, leadership conferences and the daily shipping of our books, manuals, brochures and other materials as we assisted ministries getting started. There was an explosion of demand, particularly within the church as we offered Project Rachel a very effective program for healing and evangelization that completely revitalized their efforts. Since that time Rachel’s Vineyard has spread to nearly 80 countries and is available in 30 languages throughout the world.
The work of Rachel’s Vineyard and empowering and training up new leaders has always been my passion! I work with some of the most amazing people on the planet. Gifted, wounded healers and faith-filled facilitators who want to share the profound gift of the Lord’s love and mercy. Our ministry has been spread by those whose lives have been changed through the ministry and they have hearts of humility, service and generosity. I feel privileged to share this ministry with such faithful and devoted individuals.
As the Founder of Rachel’s Vineyard Ministries, I hold national and international trainings each year for more than 500,000 volunteers. We work very hard to provide educational seminars about abortion trauma and to teach trauma-informed facilitation for healing. Our unique sensory-based treatment incorporates psychological and spiritual dimensions for healing, which has proven to be a powerful means to disseminate an authentic experience of God’s healing grace. We are continually promoting a message of hope and restoration. We serve women, men, couples, families and even providers in the abortion industry who seek healing. We also serve as a resource for anyone wanting to work in post-abortion healing in both Catholic and interdenominational settings. We run a nationwide hotline and publish books and conduct numerous training seminars for clergy and mental health professionals.
Our work environment is very busy – never a dull moment! We have a small staff doing a worldwide job. Our collaboration with Priests for Life has made it possible to create many strategic alliances in promoting the sanctity of Life. Freed from the guilt and despair of abortion, many retreat participants from Rachel’s Vineyard have chosen to share their testimonies through the Silent No More Awareness Campaign and many other pro-life efforts such as working in crisis pregnancy centers. In one study conducted by the Diocese of Palm Beach, we learned that 98 percent of those who had gone through Rachel’s Vineyard subsequently entered positions of ministry leadership!
The one who has been forgiven deeply loves much and gives everything to help others come to experience Christ! Our ongoing rapid growth is due largely to the witness of participants we have been privileged to serve. Again and again throughout the entire world, we see those who have been healed courageously share the gift of resurrection they have received with others as healing and truth begets more healing! We are grateful that Priests for Life has played such an integral role in helping us achieve our mission, spread the good news and find vocations of meaningful and loving service.