Fr. Pavone: This election is far from resolved

Priests for Life

Publication Date: December 11, 2020

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE                    

Contact:  Leslie Palma - 917-697-7039

TITUSVILLE, FL - In response to the Supreme Court’s order regarding the Texas election case, Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, stated the following:

“The Supreme Court stated, ‘Texas has not demonstrated a judicially cognizable interest in the manner in which another state conducts its elections.’

“The Court did NOT state that those elections were carried out properly.

“The merits of the case remain unaddressed by the Court. When those merits are addressed, it will be clear this election was unconstitutional, illegal, and fraudulent.

“As we have pointed out from the start, there are two key battlegrounds here, the courts and the legislatures.

“On the one battleground, there are more court cases still being heard.

“On the other, the state legislatures, some of which have heard substantive hearings, need to take up their constitutional authority and either appoint a slate of Trump electors or opt not to send electors at all.

“As for the Biden spokesperson who praised the Supreme Court’s action by saying it was ‘no surprise’ that the Court rejected ‘baseless attempts’ to question the election, I would point out that it is ‘no surprise’ to see the ‘baseless attempts’ of the Biden supporters to deny reality.

“The Court did not call the merits of the case baseless. The Court did not say the elections were constitutional. The Court did not rule that there was no violation of equal protection. The Court did not say there was no fraud.

“It is far too much to expect Biden supporters to understand or care about these distinctions. But enough of the American people and their elected representatives do, and therefore this matter is far from resolved and is not going away.”

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