Are You Too Old to Save a Life?

Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life
Publication Date: January 01, 1995

People beyond childbearing age may tell us, "Abortion is not my problem--I'm too old for that!"

While such people may be too old to get pregnant, they are never too old to be concerned about abortion. By our active concern, any one of us can save the life of a baby scheduled to die. To try to save our youngest brothers and sisters is an expression of love. Are we ever too old to save a life? Are we ever too old to love?

Parents and grandparents, furthermore, have a crucial, sometimes decisive role in the attitudes of their children and grandchildren toward abortion. Do they pass on a concern for life? Do they convey compassion, so that if their daughter or granddaughter were to become pregnant, she would know she could turn to them for understanding, rather than turn to the abortionist?

Despite age, people can continue to make their voices heard in arenas of public opinion and the political process.

Let nobody say they are too old to be concerned about abortion. As long as we possess life, we have the duty to defend life.

Priests for Life
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