Janet Morana: Jane Didn’t Want Revenge and Ruth Didn’t Send You (Janet Morana, Breitbart.com, June 10, 2022)
Much more to do before abortion is a sad footnote, but Roe’s end a good start (Janet Morana, Pregnancy Help News, June 7, 2022)
When It Comes to the Law Abortion Advocates are Blind (Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax.com, June 7, 2022)
Let the Citizens Protect the Unborn (Fr. Frank Pavone, June 13, 2022, Daily Citizen)
Overturning Roe will put abortion policy into the hands of American voters (Janet Morana, National Catholic Register, May 10, 2022)
Why the Supreme Court’s Decision Will Save Lives (Janet Morana, National Catholic Register, May 10 2022
High Court Can Prevent Abuse of Constitution by Clarifying It? (Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax, May 10, 2022)
Something to Celebrate: The Day of the Unborn Child (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic.org, March 21, 2022)
On Abortion Cases, Breyer's Is a Harsh Legacy (Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax.com, January 27, 2022)
Supreme Court's Role as Arbiter of Abortion Policy Under Scrutiny (Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax.com, December 15, 2021)
Is Roe v. Wade about to fall? It's time not only to revisit Roe, but to overturn it and give states the right to protect families (Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington Times, November 29, 2021)
Supreme Court abortion countdown: Interview with National Pro-Life leader (Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington Examiner, November 16, 2021)
Roe v. Wade Must be Overturned So States Can Protect Babies From Abortions (Fr. Frank Pavone, LifeNews.com, November 11, 2021)
Roe v. Wade tears apart the fabric of our nation (Fr. Frank Pavone and Alveda King, the Washington Times, July 28, 2021)
Dr. Mildred Jefferson: A hero in the pro-life movement (Evangelist Alveda King, Washington Times, March 22, 2021)
Ginsburg knew laws to help women ‘could have the opposite effect’ but failed to see this in Roe (Janet Morana, LifeSiteNews.com, September 30, 2020)
One Supreme Court case could change the whole way the courts handle abortion cases (Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington Examiner, October 20, 2019)
Planting the Seeds for Reversing Roe v. Wade (Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax.com, July 31, 2019)
'Unplanned' and 'Roe v. Wade' Bring the Pro-Life Movement to the Movies (Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax.com, April 4, 2019)
The March for Life is about inclusion. Roe v. Wade is about exclusion (Fr. Frank Pavone, The Washington Examiner, January 18, 2019)
Fr Pavone: Abortion Supporters Should Re-Read Roe vs. Wade (Fr. Frank Pavone, Breitbart.com, January 16, 2019)
Why Roe Will Fall, Eventually (by Fr. Frank Pavone, The Christian Review, September 10, 2018)
What if Roe were No More? (By Janet Morana, National Catholic Register, July 13, 2018)
Democrats Deploy Usual Roe vs. Wade Scare Tactics Against Kavanaugh (Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax, July 12, 2018)
What Roe of Roe v. Wade can teach us (Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington Examiner, February 18, 2018)
Roe No More – How Three Lives Connect In The Hoped-For Overturning Of Roe v. Wade (by Fr. Frank Pavone, The Daily Caller, February 24 2017)
The Vicarious Trauma of Jane Roe (by Janet Morana and Kevin Burke, National Catholic Register, February 21, 2017)
The March for Life and Jane Roe by Fr. Frank Pavone (PewSitter.com, January 22, 2016)