Contact: Leslie Palma - 917-697-7039
While the fate of two important laws to protect the unborn is not yet known, the people responsible for the ground-breaking legislation will be honored by Priests for Life on Friday, Jan.21 in Washington, D.C.
The 27th annual National Prayer Service at DAR Constitution Hall will honor Texas Sen. Bryan Hughes and Texas Right to Life Legislative Director John Seago for their contributions to the Texas Heartbeat Act, which has been saving lives since Sept. 1.
Also to be honored at the service are Mississippi Rep. Becky Currie, who authored the Gestational Age Act to protect babies from abortion after 15 weeks in the womb, and Senators Joey Fillingane and Angela Hill, who shepherded the bill through the state Senate. The Supreme Court is currently weighing the constitutionality of the life-saving bill.
Finally, Janet Porter, an Ohio pro-life activist who is credited as the architect of the Heartbeat movement also will be honored for her courage, foresight and commitment to the unborn.
The service will run from 8:30 to 10:30 a.m. but at 8 a.m., Christian music legend Mike Donehey, singer of the band Tenth Avenue North, will perform a prelude. Donehey also will sing during the service.
Author Danielle D’Souza Gill will serve as the mistress of ceremonies for the interfaith prayer service, and Father Frank Pavone, president of the National Pro-Life Religious Council (NPRC) and national director of Priests for Life, will deliver the sermon.
NPRC and Faith & Liberty are again partnered with Priests for Life to host the event. Co-sponsoring organizations include Life Issues Institute, National Institute of Family and Life Advocates and the American Family Association.
Prior to the service, at 7:30 a.m., Bishop Joseph Coffey of the Archdiocese for the Military Services will celebrate Mass.
The service is free and open to the public. Large groups can easily be accommodated.
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Priests for Life is the world’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated exclusively to ending abortion. For more information, visit www.EndAbortion.US.