Gratitude, elation and resolve at Priests for Life

Priests for Life

Document Publication: Priests for Life, Titusville, FL

Publication Date: June 23, 2022

TITUSVILLE, FL – Father Frank Pavone, National Director of Priests for Life, and Janet Morana, Executive Director, released the following statement today regarding the Supreme Court decision overturning Roe v. Wade.

“This is a day I’ve worked toward for 47 years and I am so grateful,” said Father Pavone. “Grateful to President Trump for appointing justices who respect both the U.S. Constitution and the sanctity of human life; grateful for the work of the pro-life movement for never losing sight of the goal, and grateful to God for allowing this day. We still have work to do but this decision will save countless lives.”

Mrs. Morana said, “I am so happy for my good friend Norma McCorvey, may she rest in peace. We promised her on the day she died that we would never stop fighting to end Roe, the tragic decision made in her name. I’m also happy to think about all the women whose lives will not be ruined by making the terrible choice for abortion. And I’m happy for the babies who will be spared a brutal death. Thank you to the Supreme Court for protecting infant life.”


Priests for Life is the world’s largest Catholic pro-life organization dedicated exclusively to ending abortion. For more information, visit www.EndAbortion.US.


Priests for Life
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