New Perspectives on the Defense of the Unborn as a Constitutional Issue

Fr. Clifford Stevens

Publication Date: January 01, 2000

Fr. Clifford Stevens is a priests of the Archdiocese of Omaha, and the founder of the National Association for Embryonic Law. He has done extensive research into the question of what Constitutional history teaches us about how the controversy of abortion should be settled in America.
His research is not only thorough; it is inspiring. It is based on the conviction that we must not consider Roe vs. Wade as a decision that settled the abortion issue, but rather as a decision that opened the issue, for the first time in Constitutional history. Looking back at other decisions which, by faulty reasoning, gave cover to acts of violence but were eventually overturned, Fr. Stevens shows us the work that has to be done by a new generation of attorneys and legal scholars to overturn Roe.
After an extensive review of his material, and with his permission, Priests for Life now presents, for the first time anywhere, a synthesis of the work of this dedicated priest.
(This book is the longest and most comprehensive exposition of Fr. Stevens' research.)

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