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Fr. Frank Pavone's Masses 2020
Links for each day's readings and homily below.
2020 Liturgical Seasons: Lent: Feb 26-Apr 11; Easter: Apr 12-May 31; Advent: Nov 29-Dec 24
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Listen to more homilies that go back to when Frank Pavone was a parish Priest
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Mass for December 31, 2020: We Believe In The Word Made Flesh
Mass for December 30, 2020: Christmas Victory over the World
Mass for December 29, 2020: Feast of St. Thomas Becket, We Obey God Above All
Mass for December 28, 2020: Fearing the Child
Mass for December 27, 2020: Let the Holy Family Transform Us
Mass for December 26, 2020: Crib and Cross Together
Mass for Christmas Midnight Mass 2020: He is Savior AND Lord
Mass for Christmas Day 2020: Three Christmas Questions
Mass for Christmas Eve morning, 2020: Come, Lord Jesus, Do Not Delay
Mass for December 23, 2020: The Refining Fire of Advent
Mass for December 22, 2020: Christmas Makes The Wounds Of Christ Possible
Mass for December 21, 2020: Advent Belief
Mass for December 20, 2020: The Coming Son of David
Mass for December 19, 2020: Advent Deliverance
Mass for December 18, 2020: Advent Brings Us Back to Our Own Land
Mass for December 17, 2020: Advent Promises amid Sinful History
Mass for December 16, 2020: Advent: The Coming of “I AM”
Mass for December 15, 2020: The Remnant
Mass for December 14, 2020: Advent and The Cross
Mass for December 13, 2020: Three Joyful Advent Commands
Mass for December 12, 2020: Our Lady of Guadalupe Speaks Volumes
Mass for December 11, 2020: An Advent Open Heart
Mass for December 10, 2020: Elijah has Come
Mass for December 9, 2020: The Hope of Our Lady of Guadalupe
Mass for December 8, 2020: Chosen To Be Holy And Blameless
Mass for December 7, 2020: The One Who Comes Is God
Mass for December 6, 2020: You Can Hasten The Lord’s Coming!
Mass for December 5, 2020: The Promises Of Advent
Mass for December 4, 2020: Open the Eyes of the Blind
Mass for December 3, 2020: Doing God’s Will, Not Just Talking About It
Mass for December 2, 2020: I Will Destroy Death Forever
Mass for December 1, 2020: He Comes to Bring Justice
Mass for November 30, 2020: Proclaim Christ with Apostolic Zeal
Mass for November 29, 2020: Run to Welcome Christ
Mass for November 28, 2020: Be Watchful in the Protection of Life
Mass for November 27, 2020: The New Jerusalem
Mass for November 26, 2020: Thanksgiving for the USA and President Trump
Mass for November 25, 2020: All Nations, Praise the Lord!
Mass for November 24, 2020: Martyrs, Religious Freedom, and President Trump
Mass for November 23, 2020: The 144,000 in Revelation
Mass for November 22, 2020: Why is Christ King of the Universe?
Mass for November 21, 2020: The Presentation of the Virgin Mary
Mass for November 20, 2020: Eat The Scroll Of The Word Of God
Mass for November 19, 2020: Worthy Is The Lamb That Was Slain
Mass for November 18, 2020: Who Is Gathered Around God’s Throne
Mass for November 17, 2020: You Will Sit With Me On My Throne
Mass for November 16, 2020: Rekindle the Flame of Love
Mass for November 15, 2020: What the Lord looks for on his return
Mass for November 14, 2020: Why We Pray For Our Nation
Mass for November 13, 2020: May His Coming Find Us Faithful
Mass for November 12, 2020: Giving Thanks for Priestly Ordination
Mass for November 11, 2020: The Engine Behind Generosity
Mass for November 10, 2020: The Grace of God Has Appeared
Mass for November 9, 2020: Living Stones in the Temple of the Church
Mass for November 8, 2020: Be Prepared For His Coming
Mass for November 7, 2020: You Cannot Have Two Masters
Mass for November 6, 2020: Advancing the Kingdom Wisely
Mass for November 5, 2020: We are the circumcision
Mass for November 4, 2020: The Cost of Discipleship
Mass for November 3, 2020: Election Day
Mass for November 2, 2020: Death does not break the bonds of love
Mass for November 1, 2020: Imitating the Saints in Politics
Mass for October 31, 2020: A Vote To Stop the Persecution of Christians
Mass for October 30, 2020: Asking Mercy for our Nation
Mass for October 29, 2020: Abel, the Beatitudes, and Politics
Mass for October 28, 2020: The Foundation of the Church – and of America
Mass for October 27, 2020: Giving Thanks for the Court
Mass for October 26, 2020: The Holy Spirit and the Senate Elections
Mass for October 25, 2020: Voting is a Tool By Which We Love our Neighbor
Mass for October 24, 2020: Time is up for the Democrats
Mass for October 22, 2020: St. John Paul II's Message to the Democrat Party
Mass for October 21, 2020: The Gift of Boldness of Speech
Mass for October 20, 2020: See the Signs of the Times in this Election
Mass for October 19, 2020: Woe to Me If I Do Not Preach the Gospel!
Mass for October 18, 2020: God Calls Us To Vote!
Mass for October 17, 2020: What is the Sin Against the Holy Spirit?
Mass for October 16, 2020: The Seal of the Holy Spirit
Mass for October 15, 2020: A Message for Pro-Abortion Voters
Mass for October 14, 2020: Who Causes Division?
Mass for October 13, 2020: Our Lady of Fatima and the Election
Mass for October 12, 2020: Columbus Day and Freedom
Mass for October 11, 2020: Jesus destroys death forever
Mass for October 10, 2020: Jesus Broke Down False Barriers
Mass for October 9, 2020: Those Who Divide our Church and Nation
Mass for October 8, 2020: The Gospel of Life is the Gospel of Mercy
Mass for October 7, 2020: The Rosary and the Pro-life Movement
Mass for October 3, 2020: What Matters Most in Life
Mass for October 5, 2020: How the Good Samaritan Reversed the Question
Mass for October 6, 2020: Welcoming the Conversion of Sinners
Mass for October 4, 2020: Thinking Holy Thoughts
Mass for October 2, 2020: Our Guardian Angels
Mass for October 1, 2020: Childlike Trust
Mass for September 29, 2020: Pro-life Lessons from the Archangels
Mass for September 28, 2020: We Who Do God’s Work Do Not Own God’s Work
Mass for September 27, 2020: No, It’s Not Up To Your “Choice!”
Mass for September 26, 2020: No Political Authority Can Authorize Abortion
Mass for September 25, 2020: Duties of Public Offices
Mass for September 23, 2020: Spiritual Wisdom from Padre Pio
Mass for September 22, 2020: The Holy Spirit and the Supreme Court
Mass for September 21, 2020: Pray for the Peace of Israel
Mass for September 20, 2020: God’s Surprising Generosity
Mass for September 17, 2020: The Biblical Basis of the Constitution
Mass for September 16, 2020: Proclaiming the True Faith Builds Unity
Mass for September 15, 2020: How Mary and We Share Christ’s Sufferings
Mass for September 14, 2020: The Wood of the Cross
Mass for September 13, 2020: Forgiving Others
Mass for September 12, 2020: Decide What Sacrifice to Partake In
Mass for September 11, 2020: Remembering the 911 Attacks
Mass for September 10, 2020: Avoid Giving Scandal!
Mass for September 9, 2020: Peter Claver, Slave of the Slaves
Mass for September 8, 2020: All Things Work for Good
Mass for September 7, 2020: The Dignity of Work
Mass for September 6, 2020: Love and Faith Have a Content
Mass for September 5, 2020: Lessons from Mother Teresa
Mass for September 4, 2020: We Do Have A Catholic Identity
Mass for September 3, 2020: “But At Your Command…”
Mass for September 2, 2020: Celebrity Preachers, Good and Bad
Mass for September 1, 2020: We Have the Mind of Christ
Mass for August 31, 2020: We Proclaim Liberty to the Captives!
Mass for August 30, 2020: Thinking God’s Way
Mass for August 29, 2020: Why John the Baptist Lost His Head
Mass for August 28, 2020: Augustine, Evangelization, Catechesis, and Theology
Mass for August 27, 2020: My Children Don’t Practice the Faith
Mass for August 26, 2020: Key Questions to Ask Candidates Before Voting
Mass for August 25 2020: Our Unborn Neighbor
Mass for August 24, 2020: The Apostles’ Confession of Faith, and Ours
Mass for August 23, 2020: What the Father Reveals to His People
Mass for August 22, 2020: Mary, Queen of Life
Mass for August 21, 2020: Modernism and Political Sins
Mass for August 20, 2020: From All Your Idols I Will Cleanse You
Mass for August 19, 2020: Lessons for the Shepherds
Mass for August 18, 2020: There is a God, and It Isn’t Me!
Mass for August 17, 2020: What Commandment Does Jesus Mention First?
Mass for August 16, 2020: Identity Politics, Identity Religion
Mass for August 15, 2020: The ProLife Message of the Assumption
Mass for August 14, 2020: Lessons from St. Maximilian Kolbe
Mass for August 12, 2020: Where Two or Three Are Gathered
Mass for August 11, 2020: Do Not Despise These Children
Mass for August 10, 2020: Deacons for Life
Mass for August 9, 2020: Encountering God
Mass for August 8, 2020: Preaching the Word
Mass for August 7, 2020: Defending Religious Freedom
Mass for August 6, 2020: Why Moses and Elijah Were At Jesus’ Transfiguration
Mass for August 5, 2020: How to Prepare for the Election
Mass for August 4, 2020: The Pastoral Call of the Priest
Mass for August 3, 2020: False Prophets, False Comfort
Mass for August 2, 2020: Come to the Waters of Life
Mass for August 1, 2020: Yes, You Can Keep All the Commandments
Mass for July 31, 2020: A Litmus Test to Smoke Out Fake Catholics
Mass for July 30, 2020: How God Repents
Mass for July 29, 2020: Even Now, There is Hope
Mass for July 28, 2020: What Scandal Is and How to Avoid It
Mass for July 27, 2020: Prophetic Actions
Mass for July 26, 2020: Knowing Right from Wrong in Politics
Mass for July 25, 2020: To Lead and to be Great, We Must Serve
Mass for July 22, 2020: St. Mary Magdalene and the Victory of Life
Mass for July 21, 2020: Jesus Asks, Who Are My Brothers and Sisters and Mother?
Mass for July 20, 2020: The Wounds of Abortion
Mass for July 19, 2020: How To Pray
Mass for July 18, 2020: Gently Encouraging the Sinner
Mass for July 17, 2020: Don’t Be A Pharisee
Mass for July 16, 2020: God Has Accomplished All We Have Done
Mass for July 15, 2020: Unless You Become Like Children…
Mass for July 12, 2020: God Sends His Word, and Here’s What It Does
Mass for July 11, 2020: The Consecrated Life: A Sign and Stimulus for the Whole Church
Mass for July 9, 2020: He is God; We are Mere Creatures
Mass for July 8, 2020: We are the Vineyard of the Lord
Mass for July 7, 2020: Fostering Priestly and Religious Vocations
Mass for July 6, 2020: Your Maker Has Become Your Husband
Mass for July 5, 2020: The Ways of the Spirit and Today’s American Civil War
Mass for July 4, 2020: The Exceptional Faith of America’s Founding
Mass for July 3, 2020: Touching the Wounds of Christ
Mass for July 2, 2020: Praying for President Donald Trump
Mass for July 1, 2020: Being “Divisive” - Criticism or Badge of Honor?
Mass for June 30, 2020: The Lazarus of the 21st Century
Mass for June 29, 2020: Having the Zeal of Peter and Paul
Mass for June 28, 2020: What Happened to You in Baptism
Mass for June 27, 2020: Believing the Word of the Lord
Mass for June 26, 2020: Embracing the Lepers
Mass for June 25, 2020: Child-Killing Caused the Exiles
Mass for June 24, 2020: Being Like John the Baptist
Mass for June 23, 2020: Do To Others As You Want Them To Do To You
Mass for June 22, 2020: Two Martyrs’ Message to Politicians
Mass for June 21, 2020: “Adam!” - The Call to be Fathers in the Family, the Church, and Politics
Mass for June 19, 2020: The Sacred Heart and the Unborn Child
Mass for June 18, 2020: Why The ‘Our Father’ is a Dangerous Prayer to Say
Mass for June 17, 2020: Doing Religious Activities the Right Way
Mass for June 16, 2020: What it Does and Doesn’t Mean to Love Our Enemies
Mass for June 15, 2020: To Civic & Church Leaders: Know the Limits of Your Authority
Mass for June 14, 2020: The Eucharist and our Commitment to the Unborn
Mass for June 12, 2020: The Value and Power of Silence
Mass for June 11, 2020: Don’t Spread Doubts About Others’ Reputations
Mass for June 9, 2020: You are Salt and Light
Mass for June 8, 2020: Elijah the Prophet and Child-Killing
Mass for June 7, 2020: Solemnity of the Most Holy Trinity
Mass for June 5, 2020: How to Get the Most Out of Your Bible
Mass for June 4, 2020: Sins of the Tongue: Detraction, Calumny, Rash Judgment
Mass for June 3, 2020: Jesus Christ has Abolished Death!
Mass for June 2, 2020: Give to Caesar: The Responsibility of Christians to Vote Pro-life
Mass for June 1, 2020: The Blessed Virgin Mary, Mother of the Church
Mass for May 31, 2020: Pentecost
Mass for May 30, 2020: You Can Save Someone’s Life From Abortion
Mass for May 29, 2020: You Cannot Imprison The Word of the Lord
Mass for May 28, 2020: Everything the Holy Bible Teaches us about the Angels and Demons!
Mass for May 27, 2020: Promoting Authentic Christian Unity
Mass for May 26, 2020: Reflections on the Priesthood
Mass for May 24, 2020: The Ascension of our Lord
Mass for May 22, 2020: Memorial Mass for Norma McCorvey
Mass for May 21, 2020
May 20, 2020: Mass for Family Members Who No Longer Practice the Faith
Mass for Tuesday May 19, 2020
Mass for Monday, May 18, 2020: Hope and Healing for Loss of Children to Abortion, Miscarriage, or Stillbirth
Mass for Sunday, May 17, 2020: When We Are Hated As Christians, the Spirit of Glory Rests upon Us.
Mass for Easter Weekday, Friday, May 15, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday,Monday, May 11, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Saturday, May 9, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, May 7, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Friday, May 8, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Monday, May 4, 2020
Mass for Fourth Sunday of Easter, May 3, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Saturday, May 2, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Friday, May 1, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Thursday, April 30, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Wednesday, April 29, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Monday, April 27, 2020
Mass for Third Sunday of Easter, April 26, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Saturday, April 25, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Friday, April 24, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Thursday, April 23, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Wednesday, April 22, 2020
Mass for Easter Weekday, Tuesday, April 21, 2020