Priests for Life in the Media

We want to educate and equip you to help bring an end to the evil of abortion. Our presence in the Christian and secular media is one of the many ways we do that.

Tune in to our radio and TV programs and encourage others to do the same. Arm yourselves with the necessary information to win this battle!

Priests for Life is the name for a family of ministries that each has its own mission and character. To help ensure accuracy when reporting on our participation in pro-life events, we have compiled the following list.


Founder, Bott Radio Network

"During my several broadcast interviews with Frank Pavone, I've been moved by the intensity of his love for the Lord, and his complete commitment to support the Right to Life that is ours as a gift from God... "

Founder, Focus on the Family

"Frank Pavone is a man who is passionately committed to the defense of preborn children, and to the sanctity of human life from conception to the grave. I have found him to be an articulate and intelligent promoter of this cause internationally. It has been my privilege to have Reverend Pavone as a guest on Focus on the Family, where he was warmly received by our listeners. I'm honored to call him my friend."

Priests for Life Media Schedule

EndAbortion.TV Broadcast Schedule


At EndAbortion.TV We bring you regular live programming about abortion and the effort to end it.

See the upcoming programming schedule below and go to EndAbortion.TV to watch. You can also watch on other platforms such as Frank Pavone's Facebook Page, his Twitter account, @frfrankpavone, and other platforms you see on EndAbortion.TV

You can also Subscribe to EndAbortion.TV at Roku and Amazon TV.

Gospel of Life

Gospel of Life on Radio Maria

Tune in at

A weekly radio show hosted by Janet Morana and Fr. Frank Pavone on Radio Maria.

Premieres on Radio Maria Tuesdays at 6 p.m. ET
Each show re-airs Thursdays at 2 a.m. ET; Saturdays at 10 p.m. ET and Mondays at 10 p.m. ET.

​​​Airing: Saturday, September 7 at 10 p.m. ET and Monday, September 9 at 10 p.m. ET.

Topic: Janet Morana speaks to Ashley Stenhauser of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign about her abortion experience. Prolife Leader Frank Pavone reflects on scripture with the topic, "Beware of the Blind Guides."

Airing: Tuesday, September 10 @ 6 p.m., Thursday, September 12 @ 2 a.m.; Saturday, September 14 at 10 p.m. ET and Monday, September 16 at 10 p.m. ET.

Topic: Janet Morana speaks with Suzanne Formanek of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign about her abortion experience. Frank Pavone reflects on scripture with the theme: “We Believe and Proclaim Truths, Not Maybes.”


Opinion Pieces

The Priests for Life team often write opinion pieces for various media outlets that are posted online. A full list can be seen at our Priests for Life online library

Please read, share and comment on these op-eds when the option is available. By doing so you can help to spread the pro-life message and counter any anti-life comments that others have submitted. 

Pavone: How President Trump’s Stance on Abortion Amendment Can Help Us Win Across the Country (Gateway Pundit, September 5, 2024)

Kamala Harris Doesn’t “Trust Women” When She Attacks Pro-Life Pregnancy Centers (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, September 6, 2024)

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: