SourceForm = Prayer Campaign - Father's Day Novena
The prayer below is for all fathers, living and deceased, and is especially appropriate to pray, as a family, in the days leading up to Father's Day.
(Spanish - En Español)
You protect us from evil And provide our daily bread. You are strength and integrity, blessing and the font of life. We thank you, then, for our fathers. Though human, they are also a reflection of you, Lord God. They are your gift to us. We pray for all fathers today. May they realize the greatness of their vocation And have the strength to live it without fear. Forgive their sins, and keep their eyes raised up to you To those who still make this earthly journey with us, Give us the grace to love them as we should; And to those whom you have called from this life, Give a special place of honor in the heavenly kingdom With you, the Father of all. We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.