SourceForm = Challenge to the Media
For years, Priests for Life has been challenging the American media:
"Show the American people what an abortion is!"
Now, we invite you to echo that challenge by signing this online petition!
Priests for Life wants to present millions of signatures to key representatives of major media outlets, with whom we have developed relationships over the years. In fact, many of them have told us that this is a point we should press. If there is supposed to be a national debate about a procedure that is already legal, then the American people should be able to see what it is!
We believe that the goal of having the results of abortion aired on national television is a goal that can be reached. We ask you to join that effort today.
Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone National Director
A Petition to the American Media
On various television programs, the American people are able to view some of the most common forms of surgery. Moreover, on matters of national interest and controversy, it is in the interests of healthy public debate that the American people be given the information they need to form their opinions in a considered way.
Abortion is among the most common surgical procedures in the nation, and yet very few of the American people have ever seen what any aspect of it looks like.
In the interests of informing this important national debate, we petition that media outlets in America show the public how the abortion procedure is performed and what the results of that procedure look like. This information is available from neutral medical and scientific sources, can be presented without polemic or “taking sides” in the national debate, and furthermore can be portrayed in a way that respects the norms of public decency.