February 28, 2000
Rev. Frank Pavone
Priests fox Life
Dear Father Frank:
I want to express my appreciation to you for having sent CACP a copy of the text
of your e-mail message to Celeste Fitzgerald of the New Jerseyans for a Death
Penalty Moratorium group, in which you eloquently restated your organization's
opposition to the death penalty. If it is all right with you, we would like to
include it as a news item in the next issue of our newsletter, CACP News Notes.
My wife Ellen and I have been impressed by your frequent calls, in both your PFL
newsletter and your syndicated column, for an end to capital punishment. We're
convinced that your efforts have been most instrumental in generating a growing
awareness among many Catholics who were once in favor of the death penalty but
who now embrace the sacredness of all human life, from the innocent pre-born to
the condemned criminal.
Please pray for members of CACP that we may be able to mirror your success; that
is, in terms of changing the hearts of fellow death penalty opponents who
unfortunately tolerate and defend the killing of the pre-born. Please ask the
Lord to give us the courage and
the diplomatic skills to convince them
that abortion is also a form of violence that destroys human life, contravenes
God's will, and diminishes us all.
Frank McNeirney
Catholics Against Capital Punishment is a national
advocacy organization, founded in 1992, working for the abolition of the death
penalty in the US.
Frank McNeirney
Ellen McNeirney
National Coordinators