God of Life,
We rejoice in the promise of your coming.
You have sent your Son, born in Bethlehem.
He is the Prince of Peace,
And the one in whose name all oppression shall cease.
He is the one who brings healing in his wings
And in whom God and sinners are reconciled.
Father, we are aware of the devastation abortion has brought
To those who undergo it,
To those who participate in it,
To those who lost a love one because of it,
And to those who try to prevent it.
We know we need the Savior to come.
We need him to make us right again with you;
We need him to heal our broken relationships with one another;
We need him to replace despair with hope
We need him to make all things new.
May we welcome his coming each day
And prepare for his coming at the end of time.
May we build a culture that welcomes him
By welcoming every child, born and unborn.
We pray through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone