Prayer for a Pro-life Gathering

Almighty Father, we gather here today in repentance, in resolve, and in rejoicing.

We gather in repentance, because we, Your people, could long ago have ended child-killing in this nation.

We gather in repentance, for so many of Your people rightly call on You to act to save the unborn,
but fail to realize that You call them to act to save the unborn.

We gather in repentance, for so many of Your people rightly lift up their hands and say "Lord have mercy,"
but fail to lift a finger to have mercy on the unborn.

We gather in repentance, because not one drop of innocent blood is shed upon the land, without every person on the land sharing responsibility for it.

We gather, Lord, in resolve.

We are resolved to reach our goal, not just to fight abortion, but to end it.
We will stop at no sacrifice and count no cost in defending the unborn.

We resolve that we will continue to challenge public servants
who fail to serve the public yet unborn,

and will continue to challenge voters
to elect only those who will advance a Culture of Life.

Finally, Lord, we gather in rejoicing.

We rejoice that You have called us to do pro-life work,
not as some "hobby" to be squeezed in when we have time,
but as the very heart and soul of our quest for justice in this world.

Bless this gathering today, bless our fellowship, and bless this movement.

We pray in the saving Name of the Author of Life, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: