“This is the message you have heard from the beginning: we should love one another, unlike Cain who belonged to the evil one and slaughtered his brother” (1 Jn. 3:11-12).
God our Father,
You are Love itself.
You have manifested Your love
In the sacrifice of Your Son, Jesus Christ, upon the cross.
Father, in Your Son, and in the Holy Spirit,
You give us all the power to love
As He has loved us.
Lord, we belong to You.
We belong to Life,
And we belong to Love.
Preserve us always.
May we never abandon the way of love
Or give in to the thinking of the evil one
Who presents death as a solution
And justifies the killing of the innocent.
Let not temptation ever sway us
Or confusion overwhelm us
Or despair influence us
To take even a single step
Down the path of death.
Protect Your people
From the false solution of abortion.
Rather, rooted in the command of Your Son
And in the power of Your Spirit,
May we love one another
Even to the point of giving our lives.
May that love inspire and strengthen others
To likewise give themselves
For all their brothers and sisters,
Especially the children in the womb.
We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life