“It is impossible for us not to speak about what we have seen and heard"(Acts 4:20).
Lord, we thank You for the power of Your Resurrection,
which was displayed through Your apostles Peter and John
when, in Your Name, they healed the crippled man.
We thank You for the faith they showed in the power of Life,
and we thank You for the boldness with which they declared that such power flows only from You.
Lord, they saw You after You rose.
They ate and drank with You,
and were commissioned by You to preach the Gospel to every creature.
The fact that they saw You alive again in the flesh
Brought them an unshakeable confidence and an unwavering courage.
Seeing how you gave Your life,
And then took it up again,
Made them ready to give their own lives
Rather than to be silent about what happened.
Not only did they see Your Divinity, but they touched Your humanity.
Lord, we too have touched the humanity of the children in the womb.
We have seen their beauty,
And we have seen the horror of what abortion does to them.
Lord, like Peter and John,
We are bold to proclaim the truth,
And it is impossible for us not to speak
About what we have seen and heard.
The proponents of abortion want us to keep silent.
They want to hide the reality of abortion.
But we will follow the example of Your apostles.
We will boldly proclaim that these children share the image of God,
And that they deserve protection from the violence of abortion.
Open our hearts, open our mouths, and sustain our bold witness
to the dignity of the lives
Of our brothers and sisters in the womb!
We pray in Jesus’ Name. Amen.
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life