America's worldview was shaped by pastors. They preached
sermons on very specific and practical aspects of life, including fires,
earthquakes, and solar eclipses. "Occasional" sermons were sermons preached on
significant occasions, and "Annual sermons" were preached each year at a given
The largest collection of annual sermons were the "election
sermons," which were preached every year for three centuries starting with the
first in Virginia in 1634. Liberty Fund has published 2734 pages of this
material in Political Sermons of the American Founding Era, 1730-1805
(and this is only material that does not already appear in other published
The war for Independence did not simply take place on
battlefields. It was engaged in the pulpits, where the very heart and soul of
the people were stirred with a commitment to defend that liberty which only God
can give. Indeed, the same is true of America's efforts to rid herself of
slavery and of segregation. And today, the same can be said of abortion -- and
in that part of history, you are privileged to take your place.
Read and Listen to
Talking points on Abortion in general
Abortion is primarily a spiritual/moral issue rather than a political one. It
violates justice, and therefore the command to love one another.
Alternatives to abortion are available nationwide, as is post-abortion
healing and forgiveness.
The Church upholds human freedom, and also upholds the common-sense fact that
when someone's choice destroys someone else's life, that's everybody's business,
and is a choice that should not be allowed.
Christ is Life, and to stand with Him is to stand with Life, and against
whatever destroys life. Nothing in our society destroys more life than abortion
(4000 per day).
Talking points on Political Responsibility
The bishops teach that participation in the political process is a virtue,
and that every vote counts. Believers are not second-class citizens. Rather,
they have every right to strive by legitimate means to shape public policy
according to their moral convictions.
All legitimate authority comes from God and is responsible to God. Nations as
well as individuals must follow his law.
Protecting human life is no more a sectarian creed than the Declaration of
Independence is a sectarian document. Because all rights depend on life, the
right to life is the most fundamental issue in any campaign.
Homily Starting points on Election
themes for specific Sundays
Note: The pages below provide suggested ways in which the readings for
specific Sunday liturgies can lead us into reflections upon our political
responsibilities in the weeks immediately preceding the general elections.
Year A
Year B
Year C