The Gospel of Life
The Gospel of Life began airing on Radio
Maria on April 29, 2014 and is co-hosted by Priests for Life Executive Director Janet Morana, and National Director Frank Pavone. This program introduces listeners to the ministries that fall under the Priests for Life/Gospel of Life Ministries umbrella, and takes and in-depth look at life issues from every angle, including: abortion regret, post-abortion healing, the pro-life youth movement, and the impact of abortion on the African-American and Latino communities.
The Gospel of Life is an hour-long show every week and can be heard from 6 to 7 p.m. ET every Tuesday.
The show is re-aired Thursdays at 2 a.m. and Mondays
at 12 midnight ET.
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Callers can ask a question on the air by calling
866-333-6279 (MARY) or email