National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL) Resolution in Support of Father Frank Pavone

By the Executive Committee of the NACL

EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Resolution in Support of Father Frank Pavone By Rep. Bill Rhiley (KA), Rep. John R. McCravy (SC), Sen. Frank P. Carroll (AZ), Sen. Shannon Grove (CA), Sen. David Bullard (OK) and Sen. Mark Abraham (LA)

Whereas, Father Frank A. Pavone, a devoted and prominent pro-life leader, has dedicated his entire life and ministry to the cause of ending abortion, serving as a Roman Catholic priest ordained by Cardinal John O’Connor in 1988;

Whereas, Father Pavone has exhibited unparalleled commitment and leadership as the National Director of Priests for Life, transforming it into the largest Catholic organization dedicated to ending abortion, and holding crucial roles in organizations such as the National Pro-life Religious Council, the Silent No More Awareness Campaign, and Rachel’s Vineyard, the world’s largest ministry of healing after abortion;

Whereas, Father Pavone has been a tireless advocate for the sanctity of human life, achieving significant pro-life milestones such as being appointed by the Vatican to the Pontifical Academy for Life and the Pontifical Council for the Family, as well as being invited by Mother Teresa to speak on life issues in India;

Whereas, Father Pavone’s commitment to the pro-life cause has been acknowledged by Presidents, Popes, and countless citizens, and his efforts have played a key role in the reversal of Roe vs. Wade, earning him prestigious awards such as the “Proudly Pro-life award” by the National Right to Life Committee;

Whereas, Father Pavone has been an unwavering advocate for the vulnerable, including being present at the bedside of Terri Schiavo and advocating for her life, and serving on the Pro-life and Catholic advisory boards of both of President Trump’s election campaigns;

Whereas, Father Pavone has faced persecution within the Church for his steadfast Pro-Life position, resulting in his dismissal form the priesthood by Pope Francis in 2022; and

Whereas, Father Pavone continues his full-time pro-life leadership role with the unanimous support of the ministries he leads and his pro-life colleagues, while actively working within the Church to have his priesthood fully reinstated.

Now, therefore, be it resolved, that the Executive Committee of the National Association of Christian Lawmakers (NACL) expresses its unwavering support for Father Frank Pavone in recognition of his exceptional dedication to the pro-life cause and his tireless efforts to defend the sanctity of human life;

Be it further resolved, that the Executive Committee urges the Vatican and church leadership to reconsider the dismissal of Father Frank Pavone from the priesthood, acknowledging his invaluable contributions to the pro-life movement and the Church; and

Be it further resolved, that copies of this resolution be disseminated to relevant church authorities, highlighting the accomplishments and unwavering commitment of Father Pavone to the pro-life cause and the principles upheld by the National Association of Christian Lawmakers

Adopted by the Executive Committee of the National Association of Christian Lawmakers on the 5th day of December 2023.

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