Listen to radio spots played on EWTN International radio
Responses to Pro-Abortion Politicians
Spot 1
Spot 6
Spot 2
Spot 7
Spot 3
Spot 8
Spot 4
Spot 9
Spot 5
Political Spots
Caeser Must Obey God
Various topics
Divine Mercy (188)
Right to Die Movement (81)
Funeral for aborted baby (809)
Silent No More Awareness (824)
Graphic images, testimony on the positive impact of (229)
Love them both (170)
Graphic images, testimony on the positive impact of (250)
Parable of the Rich Man (214)
Graphic images, testimony on the positive impact of (666)
Rachel's Vineyard post-abortion retreats (220)
Priests holding public office (907)
Invite the poor to your banquet (1071)
Donun Vitae (922)
Abortion can only be stopped through the Church (1517)
Abortion harms the mother too (928)
Thy Kingdom come (1518)
Abortion in cases of rape (933)
Thy will be done (1520)
"Prayerfully pro-choice" (946)
Gospel of St. Matthew (1523)
Faith and human reason (966)
Various topics continued...
On earth as it is in Heaven (1524)
The pro-life movement is winning (977)
The pro-life movement is winning (976)
The pro-life movment is winning (981)
Give us this day our daily bread (1525)
The rich man and Lazarus (990)
As we forgive those who sin against us (1526)
Oppose abortion but "pro-choice" (996)
Lead us not into temptation (1527)
The pro-life movement is winning (997)
The Rosary (1528)
Beatitudes (1013)
Deliver us from evil (1531)
God does not make mistakes (1018)
Blessed are those who mourn (1533)
Fear of speaking out (1020)
Blessed are those who hunger (1534)
Excuses to not defend life (1024)
Blessed are the pure of heart (1536)
"Potential" human life (1026)
Blessed are the peacemakers (1537)
We are always developing (1027)
Blessed are those who show mercy (1538)
Abortion safer than childbirth? (1055)
Blessed are those persecuted (1539)
No abortion is necessary (1056)
First Commandment (1541)
Is there overpopulation (1057)
Second Commandment (1542)
Pro-abortion arguments (1062)
Third Commandment (1543)
Pro-abortion slogans (1068)
Fourth Commandment (1544)
Fifth Commandment (1545)
Sixth Commandment (1546)
Seventh Commandment (1547)
Eighth Commandment (1548)
Ninth and Tenth Commandments (1549)
Blessed are the meek (1550)
Beatitudes (1551)
The issue of abortion is not abstract (1700)
UN Declaration on Rights of the Child (1721)
See first the Kingdom of God (1723)
Youth in the pro-life movement (1724)