Dear pro-life friend,
To motivate people to do something about abortion is one thing. But then you
have to make sure they know what they are doing.
That is the purpose of pro-life training. My travels to every one of the 50
states have convinced me that some of the best pro-life training programs that
ever existed are available right now to individuals and communities who decide
they are serious about ending abortion. Some of these seminars are run by
Priests for Life. Others are conducted by other organizations. We want to tell
you what is available and let you evaluate what will best meet your needs.
First of all, our own seminars are directed both to clergy and to laity. Much
of this material is available in an audio and video tape format. We can also
schedule visits to seminaries, clergy gatherings, pro-life conventions, or
simply gatherings of local pro-lifers who want to have a Saturday training day.
To inquire about the availability of our speakers, you can make an online request; visit or call our travel coordinators at 321-500-1000.
There are other seminars as well, conducted by many different pro-life
organizations. Please contact us at Priests for Life and tell us about your
needs as well as your experiences and suggestions for the development of
pro-life training seminars throughout the nation. With a well-trained core of
committed pro-lifers, we will achieve the long-awaited goal of protection for
all human life!
Fr. Frank Pavone
National Director, Priests for Life