Dear Friends,
I am delighted to welcome you to the Priests for Life website.
As one of tens of thousands of people who visit this site every day, you will soon discover that Priests for Life provides assistance not only to priests, but to everyone who is interested in bringing an end to the tragedy of abortion.
There is no more urgent and fundamental task in our day than to end abortion. Nothing takes more human life, and no lives are more vulnerable and defenseless than the unborn.
Our website provides not only a religious approach to abortion, but also an approach simply based on reason, and on the facts of what abortion is and what it does.
Moreover, we connect people with the concrete help they may need to find alternatives to abortion, and healing after abortion.
We also provide an opportunity for you to give us your prayer intentions, to ask questions about abortion and the pro-life movement, and for you to take part in many action items to help end abortion.
Priests for Life is actually an entire family of ministries and programs, the links to which you will find at the top of the home page.
Be assured of my daily prayers for all who visit us, whether they agree with us on abortion or not.
God bless you
Frank Pavone
National Director
See Welcome Video to Our Website