Letters to the Editor

For practically no cost at all, you can influence the minds and hearts of others in your community by writing letters to the editor of your local paper. The editorial pages are the most read pages of any paper. If you have the right views on an issue, you have a duty to use every means possible to communicate those ideas. Letters to the editor are a key way to fulfill that duty.

Don't be your own worst enemy! Many don't write because they are convinced, maybe by past experience, that the paper won't print the letter. But that was yesterday; today is different. Your letter will be different, the person making the decision may be different, and the circumstances surrounding the decision may be different. The point is, what they will decide is their responsibility; to send in the letter is your responsibility.

We will help you. Click on the links below to join our Political Responsibility letter-writing effort, or to see more general pro-life letters to the editor.

Try the group approach. Many people who have the right ideas just don't feel comfortable putting those ideas in writing. As a pro-life, Christian community, we are called to help one another fulfill our duty to be prophets of the Word. Let those in your circle of friends who are writers compose a series of letters. Then, each person in the group can choose the letter he or she would like to send in to the paper. This approach works!

Click here for our Political Letter-writing Project, including sample letters.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: mail@priestsforlife.org