The Priests for Life, Rachel's Vineyard and Silent No More team often write op-eds about abortion healing for various media outlets that are posted online. Please read, share and comment on these op-eds.
Also see Kevin Burke's Blog - Healing a Nation Wounded by Abortion
The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary and Forgiveness of the Sin of Abortion (Catholic Online, Fr. David Begany, August 15, 2024)
A mother shatters the lies of reproductive choice (Kevin and Theresa Burke, Pregnancy Help News, July 5, 2024)
A grieving father holds his son after a late term abortion (Theresa and Kevin Burke, Pregnancy Help News, June 3, 2024)
Women Often Have Repeat Abortions Until They Find Hope and Healing in Christ (Dr. Theresa and Kevin Burke,, April 4, 2024)
Torn Temple Veils: Biden and French Prime Minister Reveal Shocking Ignorance of Abortion Loss (Kevin and Theresa Burke, Catholic Online, March 12, 2024)
The Paschal Mystery of Rachel's Vineyard: Lent is the perfect Time for a Deeper Healing of Abortion Loss (Kevin and Theresa Burke, Catholic Online, February 23, 2024)
Let's Have an Unprecedented Sanctity of Life Sunday (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, Jan. 15, 2024)
Mothers Dealing With Miscarriage or Abortion Regret at Christmas Need Our Support (Kevin and Theresa Burke,, Dec. 20, 2023)
We can rush to the side of those who, like Mary, are uncertain and afraid about their pregnancies (Janet Morana, Pregnancy Help News, Dec. 14, 2023)
Turning abortion into a satanic ritual (Kevin Burke,, Dec. 4, 2023)
Pro-Life People Truly Support Women and Unborn Children (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, Nov. 20, 2023)
Disillusioned by the Election Results? Don't Despair, God May be about to do a Divine Intervention (Kevin Burke, Catholic Online, Nov. 17, 2023)
Pro-Life Group Celebrates 30 Years of Helping Women, Saving Babies (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, Oct. 27, 2023)
Death by Chemical Abortion (Janet Morana, The Washington Times, Oct. 9, 2023)
Care Net Conference Helps Equip Pro-Life People to Assist Pregnant Women and Unborn Children (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone,, Sep 5, 2023)
Abortion is Destroying Relationships and Ending Marriages (Kevin and Theresa Burke,, August 28, 2023)
Twenty Years of Amplifying the Voices of Those Who Have Had Abortions (Pro-Life Leader Frank Pavone, The Gateway Pundit, July 29, 2023)
Men’s Silence on Their Partner’s Abortions is Like Adam’s Silence While Eve Ate the Apple (Kevin Burke,, June 16, 2023)
“I spent four years of my life defending this country – But I couldn’t prevent the death of my child.” (Kevin and Theresa Burke, Pregnancy Help News, June 12, 2023)
So Many People Need God’s Healing From the Pain of Abortion, Show Them Love and Grace (Bryan Kemper,, June 2, 2023)
Abortion's toll on one family (Dr. Theresa Burke,, April 23, 2023)
The Powerful Influence of Joseph in the Mission of his Son Jesus (Kevin and Theresa, Fatima blog, and Soul Magazine, March 20, 2023)
Is Chelsea Handler Actually Mourning Her Abortions? (Kevin and Theresa Burke, The Stream, February 17, 2023)
Why the Account of King Herod's Slaughter of the Innocents can Trigger Men with a Past Abortion Loss (Kevin Burke,, December 30, 2022)
The Amazing Science and Astronomy Behind the Birth of Jesus (Kevin and Theresa Burke,, December 23, 2022))
“Decades in the trenches” - Pregnancy help pioneers to be honored at national pro-life prayer event (Leslie Palma, Pregnancy Help News, December 6, 2022)
Rejoice With Those Who Rejoice at Christmas, and Weep With Those Who Weep (Janet Morana, National Catholic Register, December 5, 2022)
Father Pavone: Real Abortion Experience Outweighs Political Posturing (Fr. Frank Pavone,, November 1, 2022)
Company That Made Zyklon B for Nazi Holocaust Made the First Abortion Pill ((Kevin and Teresa Burke,, Oct 10, 2022)
The elephant in the examination room; Women face challenges when talking about abortion loss (Kevin and Dr. Theresa Burke, Pregnancy Help News, September 23, 2022)
Women Do Regret Their Abortions, And Their Voices Deserve to be Heard (Fr. Frank Pavone,, September 19, 2022)
Netflix’s Woodstock ’99 and USA 2022: Kerosene — Match — Boom! (Kevin Burke, The Stream, August 24, 2022)
With the death of Roe, it's time to heal from abortion (Kevin and Theresa Burke, Pregnancy Help News, June 24, 2022)
Which Handmaid’s Tale Will You Believe (Kevin Burke,
Fathers Face Significant Trauma When Their Baby is Killed in an Abortion (Kevin Burke,, June 17, 2022)
Priests for Life Pastoral Team members Kevin and Theresa Burke take you on a Journey to the Living, Beating Heart of the Catholic Faith, and the Heart of Healing the Wounds Caused by Abortion and Abuse. Journey to the Living Heart of the Catholic Faith - World Apostolate of Fatima, USA ( (June 15, 2022, Soul Magazine)
Will overturning Roe tear America apart … or bring healing to a wounded and divided nation? (Kevin and Theresa Burke, Pregnancy Help News, May 20, 2022)
With healing, women who have had abortions can celebrate Mother’s Day (Kevin and Theresa Burke, Pregnancy Help News, May 6)
People in Ukraine Need Food and Shelter, Abortion Activists are Sending Abortion Pills Instead (Kevin and Theresa Burke,, April 13, 2022)
Nurse Robin Tucker “loves” that she can deliver a baby…And then facilitate an online chemical abortion the same day (Kevin Burke, Pregnancy Help News, January 19, 2022)
High price of failing to address the emotional aftermath of abortion (Kevin and Theresa Burke,, January 5, 2022)
Abortion Kills Babies. Protecting Them is an Issue for Men Too, Not Just Women (Fr. Frank Pavone,, December 6, 2021)
Women’s Lives Don’t Depend on Taking the Lives of Their Children (Janet Morana, National Catholic Register, November 30, 2021
Millions of People are Suffering From the Pain and Grief of Abortion, But Jesus Heals and Forgives (Bryan Kemper,, November 23, 2021)
Why Are Icons of the Music and Sports World Facing the Rage of the Pandemic Cult? (Kevin Burke,The Stream, November 24, 2021)
Two accidental truths "Goober" the clown revealed about abortion (Janet Morana,, November 15, 2021)
Abortion is Causing Huge Problems in the Military for Service Members and Their Families (Kevin Burke,, November 11, 2021)
Dr. Fauci is a high priest of the pandemic cult, and his Reign of Terror must come to an end (Kevin Burke,, October 25, 2021)
Democratic congresswoman’s abortion story points to an unconscious need for deeper healing (Kevin Burke,, October 5, 2021)
The Texas Heartbeat Law is Pro-Woman (Janet Morana, Washington Times, September 8, 2021)
Is Biden our heretic-in-chief? (Kevin Burke,, September 6, 2021)
Roe v. Wade tears apart the fabric of our nation (Fr. Frank Pavone and Alveda King, the Washington Times, July 28, 2021)
Collateral damage of the lockdowns: Nearly 100,000 Americans died of drug overdoses in 2020 (Kevin Burke, LifeSiteNews, July 19, 2021)
Can we set a place at the Holy Family’s table for the father of the family? On the essential role of fatherhood in salvation history and in child development. (Kevin Burke,, June 17, 2021)
Devotion to the Sacred Heart is pivotal to our embrace of God’s Mercy (Fr. Denis Wilde, OSA, June 10, Catholic Online)
Using the abortion pill turns a woman’s own home into an abortion mill (Janet Morana, LifeSiteNews, May 25, 2021)
What science tells us about the mother-child bond (Kevin Burke, Catholic Online, March 30, 2021)
Lenten Repentance, Easter Victory, Pro-life Power (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, March 12, 2021)
Global mourning: Study finds link between pregnancy loss and mental illness (Dr. Theresa Burke,, March 5, 2021)
The Cross Above the Manger (Kevin and Dr. Theresa Burke, Catholic Exchange, December 18, 2020)
How would the clergy advise their people about voting in 1933 in Germany? (Kevin Burke, Catholic Online, October 15, 2020)
Ginsburg knew laws to help women ‘could have the opposite effect’ but failed to see this in Roe (Janet Morana,, September 30, 2020)
The Resurrection of Jon Ponder (Kevin Burke, The Christian Review, August 28. 2020)
When deciding how to cast your ballot, don’t ignore the signs of the times. (Kevin Burke, Catholic Online, August 26, 2020)
Kevin Burke: Fear-Based Self-Censorship Has Nearly Two-Thirds of Americans Afraid to Share Their Beliefs (, August 3, 2020)
Mourning Missing Children on Mother’s Day (By Theresa Burke, Ph.D. and Kevin Burke, LSW, The Christian Review, May 7, 2020
From Mount Tabor to Calvary and the Empty Tomb: The Apostle Peter Offers Hope to Those Suffering Shame and Grief after Abortion (Kevin Burke,The Christian Review, April 3, 2020)
10 Reasons Why Abortionists Should Not Speak For Their Patients (Fr. Frank Pavone, The Christian Review, March 26, 2020)
On the 25th anniversary of Evangelium Vitae, Janet Morana reflects on its influence on the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. (, March 25, 2020)
Silent No More (Leslie Palma, Crisis Magazine, February 26, 2020)
‘Silent No More’ Cannot Be Silenced (Janet Morana, National Catholic Register, February 4, 2020)
Don't let the liberal media erase women who regret their abortions (Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington, Examiner, January 19, 2020)
Aborting a Presidency (kevin Burke, Crisis Magazine, January 7, 2020)
Advent: Rushing to the Side of Mary (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, November 30, 2019)
Killing Keisha in Albuquerque (by Leslie Palma, The Christian Review, October 31, 2019)
The Rosary and Divine Mercy Chaplet are powerful tools for pro-lifers. (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, October 22, 2019)
Pro-Lifers Bought a Building Where an Abortion Biz Was Supposed to Open, Now It’s a Pregnancy Center (Leslie Palma,, October 1, 2019)
Reaching out to moms impacted by the discovery of baby’s bodies at late abortionist’s home. (Janet Morana, National Catholic Register, September 17, 2019)
Woman Screams in Agony as She Regrets Ending Her Baby’s Life in Abortion (Bryan Kemper,, June 25, 2019)
Those Promoting Abortion Don't Listen to the Women They Claim to Help (Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax, June 17, 2019)
Ginsburg Saying Pregnant Women Aren’t Mothers Insults Moms Whose Babies Died in Miscarriage (Bryan Kemper,, May 31, 2019)
Alabama is Right: Rape Can Never Be Healed by Abortion (Janet Morana, National Catholic Register, May 21, 2019)
The Apostle and the Revolutionary: How grief shaped two men who changed the world. (Kevin Burke, National Catholic Register, April 17, 2019)
Fr. Pavone: New Films Underscore Similarities in Abortion Conversions (Fr. Frank Pavone,, April 6, 2019)
When Abby Johnson Saw Her Aborted Baby’s Body, Her “Unplanned” Pro-Life Journey Began (Fr. Frank Pavone,, March 25, 2019)
Alveda King to Join Activist Angela Stanton King for 'Day of Empathy' (Alveda King,, February 27, 2019)
Mothers and babies will suffer the dire consequences of abortion right up to birth in New York (Janet Morana,, January 24, 2019)
Personal abortion testimonies make powerful impact at marches (by Fr. Frank Pavone,, January 7, 2019)
Ten Ways to Be Pro-Life Throughout 2019 (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, January 2, 2019)
Advent is a perfect time to re-dedicate ourselves to the Gospel of Life (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, December 13, 2018)
Reducing the Stress of Violence (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax, December 3, 2018)
Why Our Culture's Mental Health is Declining and How Your Pro-life Vote Can Turn That Around (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, November 5, 2018)
A candidate’s position on abortion matters more than you think when you pull that lever (by Kevin Burke and Janet Morana, LifeSiteNews, November 2, 2018)
Have You Ever Prayed for an Abortionist or Women Who Get Abortions? (Fr. Frank Pavone,, October 29, 2018)
When You Pray to End Abortion, Pray for the Mothers and Fathers Too (Fr. Frank Pavone,, October 16, 2018)
Here’s Why Christians Should Pray to End Abortion (by Fr. Frank Pavone,, October 8, 2018)
How to Pray to End Abortion. (Fr. Frank Pavone,, September 18, 2018)
Tell Oprah Winfrey that Silent No More came long before #ShoutYourAbortion (by Janet Morana, Washington Examiner, August 23, 2018)
Shout Your Abortion With Jewelry, Says Hollywood (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax, August 23, 2018)
Forced Abortion a Common Problem in America (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Newsmax, July 25, 2018)
Alveda King: This Father’s Day, Let’s Pray for All Fathers Everywhere (, June 15, 2018)
Fr Frank Pavone on Corpus Christi - The Eucharist Strengthens our Pro-life Commitment (Catholic Online, June 3, 2018)
The falling fertility rate in the U.S. is no mystery, Janet Morana writes for the Daily Caller. (May 30, 2018)
The Shockwaves of Abortion are Headed for Ireland (Janet Morana, National Catholic Register, May 29, 2018)
Another way to celebrate Mother's Day (Janet Morana, Catholic Online, May 17, 2018)
Mainstream Media Misses the Point of the Pope’s New Teaching (Janet Morana, National Catholic Register, April 10, 2018)
Living the Gospel of Life (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Onlline, March 28, 2018)
Why should a pro-life pregnancy center be forced to advertise abortion? (Fr. Frank Pavone, The Washington Post, March 20, 2018)
Crying Out for Life: A Lenten Reflection (Fr. Frank Pavone, The Christian Review, February 19, 2018)
Preparing for a pro-life Lent (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, February 12, 2018)
Abortion is not love. (Fr. Frank Pavone, CNS News, January 15, 2018)
Catholic Online: Advent reconciles mother and preborn child (Fr. Frank Pavone, Catholic Online, December 24, 2017)
Imagine … The Art We’d Have Lost if Abortion Had Been Legal Sooner (by Kevin Burke, The Stream, December 8, 2017)
The Pro-Life Movement: In Imitation of the Sacred Heart (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Crusade Magazine, November-December 2017)
October is Respect Life Month. Here’s how to help save moms and babies from abortion (by Fr. Frank Pavone, LifeSiteNews, September 29, 2017)
Stephen King’s Blockbuster It and America’s Abortion Trauma (by Kevin Burke,The Stream, September 20, 2017)
Aftermath Of A Tragedy: No-Cost Abortions Offered In Texas (by Janet Morana, The Daily Caller, September 7, 2017)
On Netflix, “Foyle’s War” Reminds Us of the Lessons of History for Abortion Debate (by Kevin Burke, Scenes Media, August 14, 2017)
An abortion was a personal landmine in the life of Princess Diana (by Theresa Burke, Ph.D.,, August 10, 2017)
Fathers of Aborted Babies Experience Devastating Pain and Regret (by Kevin Burke,, August 1, 2017)
What would abortion law now look like if Hillary Clinton had won? (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington Examiner, July 31, 2017)
Project Joseph: A Rachel’s Vineyard Site in Dallas Offers a New Program for Men Wounded by Abortion (by Kevin Burke, The Christian Review, July 28, 2017)
Celebrities Break Silence on the Abortions That Marked Their Lives (by Kevin Burke, The Sream, July 11, 2017)
What explains the decline in abortion? (by Fr. Frank Pavone, Washington Examiner, June 19, 2017)
The All too Common Regret of Abortion (Janet Morana, The Daily Caller, June 7, 2017)
Fatima’s prophetic message connects Satanic attacks on Jewish people, the Church and the unborn (by Kevin Burke,, May 3, 2017)
Roe No More – How Three Lives Connect In The Hoped-For Overturning Of Roe v. Wade (by Fr. Frank Pavone, The Daily Caller, February 24 2017)
The Vicarious Trauma of Jane Roe (by Janet Morana and Kevin Burke, National Catholic Register, February 21, 2017)
A Remembrance of Norma McCorvey (1947-2017) (by Janet Morana, National Catholic Register, February 18, 2017)
Abortion advocates have a lot more in common with fascists than pro-lifers (by Kevin Burke, LifeSite News, February 17, 2017)
The Women’s March on Washington will ignore the greatest genocide against women in human history – the abortion of baby girls. Read the commentary by Kevin Burke and Janet Morana in LifeSite News.
As the March for Life approaches, Priests for Life’s Kevin Burke recalls moving moments from the Silent No More testimonies in 2015 and 2016. (by Kevin Burke,, January 6, 2017)
The Baby Elephant in the Room: Pro Abortion Researchers Attack Abortion Stigma (by Kevin Burke and Janet Morana, The Stream, October 29, 2016)
Pope Francis, Lazarus, and the Jubilee of Tears: Mercy for those Suffering After Abortion (by Kevin Burke, The Christian Review, May 19, 2016)
Women and Abortion: Getting to the Heart of the Matter (by Kevin Burke and Janet Morana, The Witherspoon Institute, May 16, 2016)
A Rising Tide of Grief: The Hidden Abortion Pain of Grandparents by Kevin Burke (National Catholic Register, February 26, 2016)
President’s Day In A Nation Past Presidents Wouldn’t Recognize by Fr. Frank Pavone (, February 15, 2016)
Florida Trying To Give Women Time to Consider The Price of Abortion by Fr. Frank Pavone (, February 9, 2016)
The March for Life and Jane Roe by Fr. Frank Pavone (, January 22, 2016)
Pro-Woman is Pro-Life, and Pro-Life is Pro-Woman by Fr. Frank Pavone (National Catholic Register, January 22, 2016)
“I witnessed a transformation like the Lord’s Resurrection.” A deacon discusses his work in post-abortion ministry by Kevin Burke (National Catholic Register, January 13, 2016)
Imagine the Impact on Music if Abortion Had Been Legal in the 1940s (Kevin Burke, National Catholic Register, December 2015)
A Time For Mercy, For Born And Unborn
An Advent blog: The First Step in Abolishing Abortion is Repentance by Father Frank Pavone (National Catholic Register, December 2015)
Seeking Mercy and Healing after Abortion (September 24, 2015, Philadelphia Inquirer)
A Priest Forgiven for an Abortion: The Church is Merciful (Aleteia, September 15, 2015)
I Will Never Forget the Time a Truck Pulled Up to the Abortion Clinic to Haul the Bodies Away (, September 10, 2015)
Francis, abortion, and mercy: What the pope's latest move means (, September 2, 2015)
Love Matters as we prayerfully protest Planned Parenthood (National Catholic Register, August 21, 2015)
Let’s talk about abortion (, June 2, 2015)
Exposing the Truth About Abortion (, April 16, 2015)