Violence is not a solution to violence. Martin Luther King, Jr. asserted that in the fight against the violence of segregation.
Over the years, we at Priests for Life (and the whole pro-life movement) have asserted that as we fight the violence of abortion. Our nonviolence pledge states,
“From its inception, Priests for Life, in union with the teaching of the Catholic Church, has unambiguously, publicly, and repeatedly rejected violence as a solution to any problem.
“Inflicting harm on persons or property is not an acceptable way of resolving problems or proclaiming our message. The lives we are called to respect include the lives of those who disagree with us and oppose us.
“No person who carries out, intends to carry out, or justifies in theory such acts of violence has any part in our organization or our efforts. We furthermore pledge to advance a climate of understanding and non-violence.”
Our commitment to nonviolence also applies to the way we fight the violence that has been done to our Republic and our Constitution by those who hate America and its freedoms.
In committing to nonviolence, we also commit to freedom of speech. Actions of violence should be prosecuted; speech and vigorous debate of ideas should not.