Celebrant: As we begin a New Year, let us bring our prayers and needs to our heavenly Father with confidence.
That the Church may effectively proclaim to the world the divinity of Christ and the special role of our blessed Mother, we pray to the Lord…
That Church leaders may be strengthened by God’s grace as they face the challenges of the New Year, we pray to the Lord…
That the leaders of nations will seek equality and peace for all people as they enact just laws, we pray to the Lord…
That the prayers of the Mother of God may strengthen all mothers to follow her example of welcoming new life despite fear, doubt, and uncertainty, we pray to the Lord...
That the lonely and neglected may be encouraged by our prayers and concern for them, we pray to the Lord…
That all who have died in faith may dwell in Christ’s abundant love for eternity, we pray to the Lord…
as we begin this New Year,
open our hearts and minds to the many blessings you offer,
and give us joy in following your Son Jesus Christ,
who is Lord forever and ever. Amen.