Liturgical Resources for Each Sunday

Each week, Priests for Life provides an email service to clergy (subscribe at or in the sign up box to the left) containing three elements:

1. General Intercessions

2. A one-paragraph bulletin insert

3. Suggestions for drawing pro-life themes out of the Sunday readings for the homily.

The email arrives a couple of weeks before the Sunday for which it is designed.

You can also find these resources below; just click on the appropriate Sunday.

For additional bulletin inserts, see, and additional homily hints can be found at

Scroll to the bottom of the page for Solemnities and Feasts sometimes observed on Sundays.

Year A

First Sunday in Advent

Second Sunday in Advent

Third Sunday in Advent

Fourth Sunday in Advent


Feast of the Holy Family

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Jan 1)

Solemnity of the Epiphany

Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord

First Sunday in Lent

Second Sunday in Lent

Third Sunday in Lent

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Passion (Palm) Sunday

Easter Sunday

Second Sunday of Easter
(Divine Mercy Sunday)

Third Sunday of Easter

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Seventh Sunday of Easter



Trinity Sunday

Corpus Christi

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Solemnity of Christ the King
(34th or Last Sunday of the Year)

Year B

First Sunday in Advent

Second Sunday in Advent

Third Sunday in Advent

Fourth Sunday in Advent


Feast of the Holy Family

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Jan 1)

Solemnity of the Epiphany

Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord

First Sunday in Lent

Second Sunday in Lent

Third Sunday in Lent

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Passion (Palm) Sunday

Easter Sunday

Second Sunday of Easter
(Divine Mercy Sunday)

Third Sunday of Easter

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Seventh Sunday of Easter



Trinity Sunday

Corpus Christi

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Solemnity of Christ the King
(34th or Last Sunday of the Year)

Year C

First Sunday in Advent

Second Sunday of Advent

Third Sunday of Advent

Fourth Sunday of Advent


Feast of the Holy Family

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God (Jan 1)

Solemnity of the Epiphany

Feast of the Baptism of Our Lord

First Sunday in Lent

Second Sunday in Lent

Third Sunday in Lent

Fourth Sunday in Lent

Fifth Sunday in Lent

Passion (Palm) Sunday

Easter Sunday

Second Sunday of Easter
(Divine Mercy Sunday)

Third Sunday of Easter

Fourth Sunday of Easter

Fifth Sunday of Easter

Sixth Sunday of Easter

Seventh Sunday of Easter



Trinity Sunday

Corpus Christi

Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Tenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fourteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Fifteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Sixteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Seventeenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Nineteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twentieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Fourth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Fifth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Eighth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Twenty-Ninth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-Second Sunday in Ordinary Time

Thirty-Third Sunday in Ordinary Time 

Solemnity of Christ the King
(34th or Last Sunday of the Year)

Solemnities and Feasts sometimes observed on Sundays

February 2: Presentation of the Lord

June 24: Solemnity of the Birth of St John the Baptist

June 29: Solemnity of Sts. Peter and Paul

August 6: Transfiguration

August 15: Assumption of Mary

September 14: Exaltation of the Cross

November 1: All Saints

November 2: All Souls

November 9: Feast of the Dedication of the Lateran Basilica in Rome

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: