Celebrant: Through the hands of the Virgin who gave birth to Christ the Lord, we now present our needs to God.
That our Holy Father and all bishops, priests, and deacons may effectively proclaim to the world the joyful news that God is with us, we pray to the Lord...
That all who have been elected to public office may know the presence of God in their daily challenges and decisions, we pray to the Lord...
That following St. Joseph's example, all fathers may be strengthened in love for their wives and for their children, born and unborn, we pray to the Lord…
For the safety of our troops and for the continued growth of freedom in troubled parts of the world, we pray to the Lord...
That those who suffer illness, loneliness, discrimination or depression may know that they belong to Jesus Christ, and may find peace in Him, we pray to the Lord...
That all who have died may have eternal rest and peace, we pray to the Lord...
we rejoice at the closeness
of the Feast of our Savior's birth.
May we find in Him
the fulfillment of all our desires.
We ask this through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.