Celebrant: We serve a generous God. With confidence, therefore, we come before him with our needs.
That the Church may be ever more effective in leading the faithful to know God more fully and to serve him more generously, we pray to the Lord...
That the Church’s shepherds may be guided by the Holy Spirit as they lead God’s people in the truth of His Word, we pray to the Lord...
That lawmakers and judges may enact and enforce laws that reflect the compassion of Christ, we pray to the Lord...
That as God brings us love and justice, we may build a society of love and justice, based on respect for each and every human life, we pray to the Lord...
That those who suffer from sickness, addiction, or abuse may find relief and peace amidst their pain, we pray to the Lord...
That those who have died may be at rest in the loving presence of the angels and saints, we pray to the Lord...
Merciful God, hear our prayers.
Give us grace to turn away from anything that keeps us from you.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.