Celebrant: We trust and hope in the goodness of the Lord, and we bring to Him our needs, the needs of the Church, and those of the whole world.
That the Church may faithfully carry out its mission to gather people to God by proclaiming and living the Gospel of Jesus Christ, we pray to the Lord.
That all priests may be strengthened in their vocations, and that all the faithful may support their priests with prayer, gratitude, and active collaboration, we pray to the Lord.
That the youth of our society and of the Church may hear the voice of the Lord and fully utilize all the gifts he gives them for the service of others, we pray to the Lord.
That our eyes may be opened to see more clearly the dignity of every human life, whether healthy or sick, convenient or inconvenient, born or unborn, we pray to the Lord.
That those who are sick or homebound may be comforted and assured of our ongoing prayer for them, we pray to the Lord.
That those who have died may know the peace of the heavenly kingdom in the company of the angels and saints, we pray to the Lord.
Celebrant: Almighty God, you are the source of every blessing and we give you praise and thanks. Accept our humble prayers and grant what we need according to your holy will, through Christ our Lord. Amen.