Celebrant: Confident that God listens to our needs, we present our prayers and petitions in faith.
That the Church, guided by the Holy Spirit, will faithfully proclaim God's law as revealed through Sacred Scripture and Tradition, we pray to the Lord...
That world leaders will work together to find avenues of peace among nations and sustain a vision of hope for the world, we pray to the Lord.
That in our lives and in our laws, we may never discriminate against the poor, the immigrant, or the unborn, we pray to the Lord.
That as our nation recalls the attacks of September 11, we may renew our gratitude for the liberty we enjoy in America, under God, we pray to the Lord.
That those who have difficulties in hearing and speech may always be welcomed and assisted by the love of the Christian community modeled on the example of Christ, we pray to the Lord.
That all who have died in Christ may be welcomed into the light and peace of heaven, we pray to the Lord.
Eternal God, we offer you our prayers.
Open our hearts to listen to your Word,
and our lips to proclaim it without fear.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.