Celebrant: As we await the fulfillment of God's kingdom in glory, let us offer our prayers to our Almighty Father.
That the Church, the communion of saints growing together in holiness, may be a reflection of the heavenly kingdom on earth, we pray to the Lord.
That the pope, bishops, and all Church leaders may reflect God's truth and love to the world by the integrity of their lives, we pray to the Lord.
That all nations may honor Christ the King as the only Lord and giver of Life, and in His name, abolish the practice of abortion and euthanasia, we pray to the Lord.
That as our nation observes Thanksgiving, we may renew our sense of dependence upon God for our freedom, our security, and for all we need, we pray to the Lord.
That parents may strive to be good role models for their children, and that youth may be open to God's call to priesthood and religious life, we pray to the Lord.
That those who have died may come to share in the heavenly banquet with Mary and all the saints, we pray to the Lord.
Celebrant: Heavenly Father, we ask your continued blessings on our community. May You always reign in our hearts and in our midst so that we may reflect your love to all people. We ask this in the name of the only Savior and King, Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.