Celebrant: Having heard God's Word, let us together ask for the gifts of His Spirit for the Church and the world.
For our Pope and all the bishops, that they may rejoice to teach the commandments of God and lead all people in the ways of the Holy Spirit, we pray to the Lord...
That government leaders everywhere may work to end religious persecution and defend the freedoms of the Church, we pray to the Lord...
That on this Mother's Day, all mothers may receive the Holy Spirit's wisdom, strength, and joy, we pray to the Lord....
That the Spirit of Truth may enable all people to see that human life at every stage must be respected and protected, and that no person has the right to choose to kill another, we pray to the Lord...
For all new graduates, that they may use the knowledge and skills they have acquired to advance God's Kingdom, we pray to the Lord...
That the sick and those who suffer in any way may be consoled by the Holy Spirit and strengthened by the love and presence of others, we pray to the Lord...
That all who have died may share in the gift and promise of eternal life, we pray to the Lord...
We ask today for the gift
Of obedience to Your Truth.
In the abiding presence of Your Spirit,
Grant all that we need.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.