Celebrant: With trust in the One who speaks to us from above and knows all our needs, we now pray.
That all who have been entrusted with the Word of the Lord may proclaim it without hesitation or fear, we pray to the Lord...
That as Christ's disciples who live in a Culture of Death, we may be effective witnesses to the Gospel of Life which has been entrusted to us, we pray to the Lord...
For all who suffer for being a Christian, that they may carry the cross with joy and experience the consolation of the Holy Spirit, we pray to the Lord...
For family members who have strayed from the Church, that our example of holiness may bring them back quickly, we pray to the Lord...
For family members and parishioners in the hospital or nursing homes, or seriously ill at home, that the healing Spirit of God may be upon them, we pray to the Lord...
That those who have died may have eternal rest, and that we may always thank the Lord for their lives, we pray to the Lord...
You have made Your Word known to us
In Jesus, Your Son.
As you answer our prayers,
Give us grace to be his witnesses in the world,
for He is Lord forever and ever. Amen.