Celebrant: Relying on the Spirit who always intercedes for us in ways beyond our power, let us turn to the Lord with our prayers.
That baptized Christians everywhere, whatever their vocation in life, may be committed to transforming the world with the light of the Gospel...
That those who serve in public office may renew their commitment to protect the God-given rights to which every human being is entitled, we pray to the Lord...
That we may fulfill our call to be just and kind by building a society that shows mercy to the criminal, welcome to the stranger, and protection to the unborn, we pray to the Lord…
That those who sow the weeds of falsehood or discord may be converted by God's grace to become instruments of truth and unity, we pray to the Lord...
For the poor and oppressed, for the sick and those who care for them, and for all our friends and loved ones who need our prayers, we pray to the Lord...
For the members of our parish and our families who have died, we pray to the Lord...
Protect us from evil.
May we be committed to doing good
And receive the answers to all our prayers.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.