Eleventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

En español

General Intercessions

[English PDF]

Celebrant: The Lord knows our every need and urges us to pray to him with confidence. We therefore join now with all God's people in coming before his throne.


That as the Church continues to foster the growth of the Kingdom of God on earth, her members may grow in unity and holiness, we pray to the Lord...

That efforts to promote and preserve peace between the nations may be marked by perseverance and reliance on God, we pray to the Lord...

That God, who places value in the smallest of His creatures, may renew in our hearts an active love and reverence for all children, born and unborn, we pray to the Lord...

For all fathers, that this Father's Day may encourage and strengthen them to be faithful in their calling to give themselves in love to their families, we pray to the Lord. 

That those who travel from one nation to another seeking a home may find guidance, encouragement, and welcome, we pray to the Lord...

That those who are ill may be comforted and healed, and that those who have died may have eternal rest, we pray to the Lord...

We rejoice to be your sons and daughters.
As we seek the fulfillment of our needs,
We long for the growth of your Kingdom.
Bring us safely to our eternal home.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

Bulletin Insert

The Media and Respect for Life
“An important and serious responsibility belongs to those involved in the mass media, who are called to ensure that the messages which they so effectively transmit will support the culture of life. They need to present noble models of life and make room for instances of people's positive and sometimes heroic love for others. With great respect they should also present the positive values of sexuality and human love, and not insist on what defiles and cheapens human dignity. In their interpretation of things, they should refrain from emphasizing anything that suggests or fosters feelings or attitudes of indifference, contempt or rejection in relation to life. With scrupulous concern for factual truth, they are called to combine freedom of information with respect for every person and a profound sense of humanity” (John Paul II, “The Gospel of Life,” n. 98).

Homily Suggestions

Ez 17:22-24
2 Cor 5:6-10
Mk 4:26-34

Watch a video with homily hints

Building the Culture of Life is a combination of our responsibility and God's responsibility. In Christ, God has already conquered death and brought about the victory of life. This is the starting point both of the Church and of the pro-life movement. And the Kingdom of Life is constantly growing in the world and in the hearts of those who are open to it. The images, in the first reading and the Gospel, of constant growth under the hand of God, are meant to inspire confidence in God's plan for the ultimate triumph of life and of all that is good.

We too share responsibility. We will be judged according to what we do (2nd reading). Either our actions will promote and defend life, or they will promote and defend death. God gives the growth, but we must constantly plant the seeds. This is the opportunity to exhort our people to practical action on behalf of the defense of life. When one life is saved, that brings into the world all the good that individual will do, and all the children that individual will have.

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
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