Celebrant: We now approach the Father through the One Mediator, Jesus Christ, and we present all our needs.
For God's Holy Church throughout the world, and for all entrusted with the ministry of the Gospel, we pray to the Lord...
That God may bless the efforts of governments to ensure a fair and plentiful distribution of the goods of this world, we pray to the Lord...
That the concerns people have about money may never be greater than their readiness to welcome and cherish the gift of children, we pray to the Lord…
For college students, especially those who are away from home, that the Lord may bless them in their studies and keep them close to Himself, we pray to the Lord...
For the sick, that they be comforted and healed according to God's will, we pray to the Lord...
That those who have died may be purified and share the joys of everlasting life, we pray to the Lord...
All things are of Your making.
As you answer our prayers,
May we share Your blessings
With all our brothers and sisters.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.