Celebrant: In union with saints, angels, and all creation, we praise the God of all life, and we ask him to meet all our needs.
That the Successor of Peter, Our Holy Father, may have continued strength to tend the flock that Jesus has entrusted to him, we pray to the Lord...
That we may all work to change unjust laws that permit abortion, taking courage from the apostles' word that we must obey God rather than man, we pray to the Lord…
For Christians in places where they cannot proclaim the name of Jesus, that religious freedom may be restored, we pray to the Lord...
In thanksgiving for the countless blessings bestowed upon our families, our parish, and our community, we pray to the Lord...
For the poor, the sick, the lonely, and those who feel they are not accepted by their community, we pray to the Lord...
That God may give eternal rest and joy to all whom he has called from this life, we pray to the Lord...
as we present you our petitions,
may we also declare to you our love.
Keep us faithful throughout life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.