Celebrant: We are the Temple of the Holy Spirit. Gathered in union with the whole Church, let us pray for our needs and those of all God's people.
That God may bless our Holy Father and keep all bishops and all the faithful in union with him and with his teaching, we pray to the Lord...
For all believers who are without a Church building, that they may soon have the blessing of a beautiful and secure place in which to worship, we pray to the Lord...
For all who lack the freedom of religion, that their governments may recognize their right to worship God in public and in peace, we pray to the Lord...
For the Bishops of the United States, as they meet this week, that God may bless and guide their deliberations, we pray to the Lord...
For the poor, those who suffer discrimination, and all the marginalized and forgotten, we pray to the Lord...
For all who have died, especially those who did not know Christ in this life, that they may be received by God's mercy, we pray to the Lord...
Father, As you answer our prayers, Make us ever grateful for the gift of the Church. May we be living stones, Built into unity with Christ And with one another. We ask this through the same Christ our Risen Lord. Amen.