Celebrant: The Lord Jesus built his Church on the apostles. United with them, in fidelity to the Gospel's teaching and way of life, we now present our needs to God.
For the Successor of St. Peter, our Holy Father, that he be strong in his mission and strengthen the whole Church in faith, we pray to the Lord...
For all bishops, that they grow in union with Peter, share the zeal of Paul, and lead us by the grace of the Holy Spirit, we pray to the Lord...
For all who, like the apostles, are persecuted for their faith, and for each of us, that we may be faithful when we are ridiculed or insulted for practicing our religion, we pray to the Lord…
That as we celebrate our nation's Independence, we may understand that freedom is rooted in the truth of Jesus Christ and His Gospel, we pray to the Lord...
For unborn children, that their right to live may be proclaimed faithfully by the Church and recognized by every government, we pray to the Lord...
For the poor and the oppressed, and those who live in war torn parts of the world, we pray to the Lord...
For the sick, the dying, and all the deceased, that through the intercession of the apostles, they may experience the light of the Gospel, we pray to the Lord...
We rejoice in the call to belong to the Church,
To believe in the Gospel,
and to be united with the successors of your Apostles.
As you answer our prayers,
Increase our fidelity to the Gospel.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.