Celebrant: As Christians, we place our trust in God alone. Mindful of His care for us, we now pray with confidence.
That the Gospel message of salvation in Jesus Christ may reach every person on earth, we pray to the Lord...
That world leaders may never be deceived by the empty promises of power and earthly glory, but rather may keep their hearts focused on God, we pray to the Lord...
That all may reject the temptation to "be like gods" who have mastery over human life, and instead may accept and reverence life as a supreme gift of the Creator, we pray to the Lord...
That this Lenten season may bring grace to our friends and relatives who no longer practice their faith, and that they may return, we pray to the Lord...
For the poor and homeless, the unemployed and forgotten, and all the oppressed, we pray to the Lord...
For the sick and dying, and for all who have been called from this life, we pray to the Lord...
Your Son Jesus showed us
how to reject temptation.
Fill us with grace to be faithful to You
In this Lenten season and throughout life.
We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.