SourceForm = Prayer Campaign - St. Gianna Novena Pro Life Prayers - Anti Abortion Facts and Pro-Life Arguments

Novena Prayer to Saint Gianna

Saint Gianna’s Feastday is April 28 and her birthday is October 4.

Fr. Frank and Janet Morana visit the family of St. Gianna Molla in Italy - June 2013

More information about St. Gianna  

St. Gianna Molla


Lord God,
Through your Son Jesus Christ
You have destroyed death
And have made us the People of Life.

We thank you for the example of the saints
Whose lives reflect your own holiness
And the profound dignity of human life.

Thank you in particular for the example 
of Saint Gianna Beretta Molla.
She is truly a saint for our times,
Whom you called from this world just 50 years ago.
Thank you for her example of being a loving wife,
A devoted mother, a caring physician, and a 
woman of Catholic action.

Thank you for the crowning act of her life,
By which she sacrificed her life for that of her child.
May her example inspire all of us
To lay down our lives for one another,
Especially for our unborn brothers and sisters,
And hence to both discover and proclaim
The very meaning of love.

We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

St Gianna Molla, pray for us! Pray for all mothers and their unborn children. 
Beg from God the grace for us all to build a culture of life. Amen!

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