Need Abortion Healing?

There is healing for you!

If you are hurting from an abortion, you have a home here. Priests for Life embraces with compassion and forgiveness those who have had abortions. We will lead you to the healing that comes from the Lord, and the care of the Christian Community. We are ready to talk with you and listen to you.

Rachel's Vineyard Video

Silent No More Awareness Testimonies

Rachel's Vineyard

Rachel's Vineyard is a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. Weekend retreats offer you a supportive, confidential and non-judgmental environment where women and men can express, release and reconcile painful post-abortive emotions to begin the process of restoration, renewal and healing. More on Rachel’s Vineyard

Silent No More Awareness

Silent No More Awarenessis a Campaign whereby Christians make the public aware of the devastation abortion brings to women and men. The campaign seeks to expose and heal the secrecy and silence surrounding the emotional and physical pain of abortion. More on Silent No More Awareness

Project Rachel

It’s normal to grieve a pregnancy loss, including the loss of a child by abortion. It can form a hole in one’s heart, a hole so deep that sometimes it seems nothing can fill the emptiness. You are not alone… More on Hope After Abortion

Ramah International

Ramah International helps those who suffer from Post-Abortion syndrome, which is a form of post-traumatic stress disorder. The process of making an abortion choice, experiencing the procedure and living with the grief, pain and regret is certainly, at its very core, traumatic. More on Ramah International

Abortion Educational Materials

Further abortion educational materials

Abortion Testimonials

Read abortion testimonials

Abortion Seminars

Listen to abortion seminars

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: