SourceForm = 24-05-30-ballot-measures Pro Life Prayers - Anti Abortion Facts and Pro-Life Arguments

Watch a replay of the national prayer broadcast focusing on ballot amendments

A Prayer to Stop the Extreme Abortion Ballot Initiatives

Lord God, You are the Father of Life.
Your Son Jesus Christ has abolished death
Through his own death and resurrection.

You make us the People of Life
And the People of Hope,
As we encourage others to choose life for their children
And to choose the eternal life that comes from Faith in you.

Lord, in every age you have set your people free
From oppression, slavery and death.
You once chose a people
And delivered them from oppression in Egypt.

After mighty signs and wonders, you led them to the Red Sea,
But then Pharaoh and his army, with hardened hearts,
Pursued your people to lead them back to slavery.

Lord, we are in a similar moment.
We have been delivered from the oppression of Roe v. Wade.
But now, in their hardness of heart,
Our adversaries are advancing
With destructive ballot measures for unlimited abortion.

Lord, as your people faced the army on one side and the sea on the other,
You commanded Moses, “Tell the Israelites to go forward!”

At this moment, you tell us to go forward as well.

You command us to speak the word of truth
To defeat the lies behind these ballot measures.

You command us to speak the word of hope
To strengthen all who fight for life.

You command us to speak the word of love
To all those we seek to save from the destructive force of abortion.

Lord, part the waters and lead your people to victory.
Give success to the work of our hands.
Give wisdom to the voters to see through pro-abortion lies.
Stop in their tracks the efforts of those who promote late-term abortion,
And who try to eliminate parental involvement, informed consent,
Clinic safety laws, and every other regulation on abortion.

May we, the People of Life, see your Victory over this evil.
May we stop at no sacrifice and spare no effort
To protect the unborn and their families
And to preserve the many pro-life policies threatened by these ballot measures.

Preserve our nation, preserve our states and their Constitutions,
And preserve your people
Under the shadow of your wings and the grace of your salvation.

We pray through Christ our Lord. Amen.

- Prolife Leader Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

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