SourceForm = Prayer Campaign - Prayer of Repentance Prayer of Repentance

Prayer of Repentance

God our Father,
We come before you today
In the name of Jesus Christ your Son,
Grateful for the mighty works
by which you set your people free
in his blood and by his Spirit.

Father, we have heard the voice of your Son,
And therefore we can make our voices heard.

We have been justified in the blood of your Son,
And therefore we can oppose every form of injustice.

We have repented of our sins,
And therefore we can lead the sinner to repentance.

We have done battle with the power of evil,
And therefore we can have compassion
on those still within its grip.

We have been freed from the kingdom of darkness,
And therefore we can bear witness
to your Kingdom of Light.

Lord, as we come before you today,
we are grateful also for the exceptional nation
that is the United States of America.

Recognizing the greatness of this gift,
We ask forgiveness today for the ways
your people have failed to guard and preserve it.

Lord, have mercy on those who
have re-written the history of this country
And passed their lies on
to our children and grandchildren.

Forgive those of us who,
despite having received
at a great price the right and privilege to vote,
Have wasted that right by sitting at home
and neither registering nor voting.

We repent of every instance
in which we were more afraid of offending others
by speaking up for what is right,
Than of offending you by our silence.

We ask your mercy for those judges
and other public officials
who think that our rights come
from government rather than from you, O God.

Have mercy on those who
have tried to overturn the election of our President,
drive him from office,
or attack his reputation with constant lies.

Have mercy on those
who have chosen chaos instead of law and order,
and who have failed to support our leaders
who rid the world of terrorists,
restore our jobs, and
make our borders and communities
safe for us and for our families.

Forgive your people for focusing
on personalities rather than policies,
and on accusations rather than accomplishments.

Lord, protect our nation,

Not only from physical attacks,

But from moral attacks.

Deliver us from evil,

Not only in the form of earthquakes, floods, and storms,

But especially in the form of false gospels

That distort your plan for marriage and the family,

That assault religious freedom with unjust restrictions,

And that turn the violent destruction |
of children in the womb
into a constitutionally protected choice.

Lord, in our work for you, may we find you.
In our efforts to change the world,
may we ourselves be changed.

In our work to make and keep our nation great,
may we rediscover the greatness
of our heavenly homeland,
And in our struggle to build a Culture of Life,
may we find life eternal.

We ask this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: