"A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world. Through special initiatives and in daily prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of life, from every Christian community, from every group and association, from every family and from the heart of every believer…" - St. Pope John Paul II
Various Pro-Life Prayers
Prayer for the Annunciation: March 25 [Spanish]
A Prayer for the Courts and the Protection of the Unborn
Blessing of an Ultrasound Machine
Blessing of a Pregnancy Center
Stations of the Cross for Life
Pro-Life Stations of the Cross
Stations of the Cross for Victims of Abortion
Daily Prayer to End Abortion
Novenas and Seasonal Prayers
Prayer to the Redeemer in the Womb
Election-Related Meditations on the Rosary (Sorrowful and Glorious Mysteries)
A Prayer for our Nation as we Prepare to Elect our Leaders
Additional Rosary Meditations
Pro-Life Meditations on the Mysteries of the Rosary
Litany in Response to Abortion
Prayer for a Pro-Life Gathering
Prayer to God, the Father of All Life
Prayers to Jesus in the Holy Eucharist
Prayer to the Holy Spirit, Giver of Life
Prayer to the Holy Spirit, the Advocate
Prayer to the Spirit of Truth
Prayer to the Virgin Mary
Prayer to Blessed Margaret of Castello
Prayer for Those who have Lost a Child to Abortion
Prayer for Changing the Culture
Prayer for Joyful Fidelity to Our Mission
Pray for our Courts and Judges
Prayer for an American Christian in Time of Anxiety
Prayer to defund Planned Parenthood
Prayer for the Closing of an Abortion Mill
Prayer of Thanksgiving for the Closing of an Abortion Mill
A Prayer for Catholic Political Gatherings
Prayer for one about to Share his/her Testimony
Prayer to Begin a Gathering of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign
A Prayer of Offering by the Sick for the Unborn
African American Prayer
Civil Rights Litany for Justice and Life
Prayer of Blessing for a Monument to the Unborn
Interdenominational Pro-life Daily Prayer Devotional – “30 Days for Life”
Prayer Service for the Preborn in front of an abortion mill - Charismatic Episcopal Church for Life
Prolife Prayers for Each day of the Week by Fr. Terry Gensemer
Prayer of a Mom who has turned away from the Abortion Clinic
Spiritual adoption of a child at risk for abortion to be said every day for 9 months
Prayer of Repentance
Mother's Day Novena [Spanish]
Father's Day Novena [Spanish]
Prayers for Healing the Wounds of Abortion
Prayer for Mothers who have Lost a Child to Abortion
Prayer of a Mom who lost a child to abortion
A Prayer for Those Afraid of their Motherhood
Prayer for Fathers who have Lost a Child to Abortion
Prayer of a Dad who Lost a Child to Abortion
A Prayer for Healing of Church Communities and their Pastors
A Prayer for the Healing Mission of the Church
A Pastor’s Prayer for Healing
Prayer for Grandparents of Aborted Babies
Prayer of a Grandparent who Cooperated in the Abortion of a Grandchild
Prayer for Grandparents who Cooperated in the Abortion of a Grandchild
Prayer of a Grandparent who Tried to Save a Grandchild from Abortion
Prayer of a Grandparent who did not know of the abortion of a grandchild
Prayer of Sibling Survivors of Abortion
Prayer for Sibling Survivors of Abortion
Prayer of a Parent of Sibling Survivors of Abortion
Prayer for Healing of the Black Community
Prayer of a Friend Who Was Complicit in an Abortion
Prayer of a Friend Who Could Not Stop an Abortion
Prayer of an Abortion Survivor
Prayer for all Abortion Survivors
A Prayer for Former Abortionists and Clinic Workers
Prayer of the Family, the Sanctuary of Life
Prayer for Families Wounded by Abortion
Prayer for the Hispanic Community
Prayer for the Healing of Pro-life Advocates
Healing Comes from our Savior: An Advent Prayer for Life
Biblically-Based Prayers to End Abortion
Choose Life!
This is my Body
Only God Creates
The Glory of the Human Person
You Formed me in the Womb
No Born or Unborn
Children are a Gift
Jesus is Life
Calling Evil Good
You Did it to Me
Love vs. Death
Affirming Our Brothers and Sisters
Where is Your Brother?
Our Hands Did Not Shed This Blood
The Most Selfless Love
May Justice Flourish
Love Your Unborn Neighbor
The Good Samaritan
The Rich Man and lazarus
Speak Up!
Take Action!
A More Eloquent Plea
Death is Conquered
No Cowardly Spirit [Spanish]
The Spirit Brings Hope [Spanish]
I Believe [Spanish]
He Proceeds from the Father and the Son [Spanish]
With the Father and the Son He is Adored and Glorified [Spanish]
He has spoken through the prophets [Spanish]
Lord Send out Your Spirit, and Renew the Face of the Earth [Spanish]
Bring us Repentance [Spanish]
The Spirit Conquers Our Temptations [Spanish]
Holy Spirit, Bring Your Gifts! [Spanish]
The Fruits of the Spirit [Spanish]
Holy Spirt, Break the Power of Denial and Despair [Spanish]
Bring the Dry Bones to Life [Spanish]
The Spirit Sets Free the Oppressed [Spanish]
The Spirit Challenges Kings and All in Authority [Spanish]
Prayer to the Spirit of Truth [Spanish]
Prayer to the Holy Spirit, Giver of Life [Spanish]
Prayer to the Holy Spirit, the Advocate [Spanish]
The Immaculate Conception [Spanish]
Let It Be Done to Me According to Your Word! (Lk.1:38) [Spanish]
The Baby Leaped for Joy in My Womb (Luke 1:44) [Spanish]
The Child Born to Save Us All [Spanish]
Holy Mother of God [Spanish]
Mother of the Word Incarnate [Spanish]
She Stood by the Cross (Jn.19:25) [Spanish]
She prayed with the disciples for the Holy Spirit (Acts 1:14)
Mary, Assumed into Heaven [Spanish]
Prayer to Our Lady of Guadalupe [Spanish]
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Unborn [Spanish]
Our Lady Help of Christians [Spanish]
Our Lady of Lourdes [Spanish]
Our Lady of Fatima [Spanish]
Mother of Good Counsel [Spanish]
Gate of Heaven [Spanish]
Health of the sick [Spanish]
Mirror of Justice [Spanish]
Cause of our Joy [Spanish]
Refuge of Sinners [Spanish]
Queen of prophets [Spanish]
For Mothers Afraid to be Mothers [Spanish]
Pro-life Meditations on the Mysteries of the Rosary
St. Joseph, Husband of Mary
St. Michael the Archangel
St. Gabriel
St. Raphael
Holy Innocents
St. Elizabeth
St. Mary Magdalene
St. John Paul II
St. Teresa of Calcutta (Mother Teresa)
St. Gianna Beretta Molla
St. Gerard Majella
St. Margaret of Castello
St. Juan Diego
St. Maximilian Kolbe
Blessed Clemens von Galen [Spanish]
St. Mary Faustina Kowalska [Spanish]
Blessed Miguel Pro [Spanish]
St. Raymond Nonnatus [Spanish]
St. Catherine of Sweden [Spanish]
St. Margaret of Antioch [Spanish]
St. Margaret of Cortona [Spanish]
St. Brigid of Ireland [Spanish]
St. Philomena [Spanish]
Blessed Marianna Biernacka [Spanish]
Venerable Annie Zelikova [Spanish]
Blessed Francisco de Paula Victor [Spanish]
Servant of God Dorothy Day [Spanish]
Servant of God Jérôme Lejeune [Spanish]
Prayers Related to the Mass
Mass for Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life - A (pdf)
Mass for Giving Thanks to God for the Gift of Human Life - B (pdf)
Suggested General Intercessions for the Sundays of the Liturgical Cycle (English and Spanish)
Suggested individual petitions for General Intercessions (English and Spanish)
Prayers for a Mass for Life
Current Norms Governing Exorcisms
Prayers in Spanish
Various Pro-Life Prayers in Spanish
More Pro-Life Prayers in Spanish
Remember, prayer leads to action! Please visit our action page