Pro-Life Novenas and Seasonal Prayers

“A great prayer for life is urgently needed, a prayer which will rise up throughout the world. Through special initiatives and in daily prayer, may an impassioned plea rise to God, the Creator and lover of life, from every Christian community, from every group and association, from every family and from the heart of every believer.” ~ Saint John Paul II

A Prayer of Offering by the Sick for the Unborn

Ongoing Prayer to End Abortion [Llamamiento de Sacerdotes por la Vida de oración para abolir el aborto]


January 14-22: Novena of Reparation for the Victims of Abortion ( - Watch a video

March 5 - April 16: Lenten Prayer for Life ( (Ash Wednesday thru Spy Wednesday) [Cuaresma – Oración Pro-Vida]

March 25: Annunciation (

March 31: Anniversary of the death of Terri Schiavo (2005) ( [Prayer in remembrance of Terri Schiavo] [Oración por Terri Schiavo]

April 28: Feast of St. Gianna Beretta Molla, Patroness of Mothers and Physicians. ( [Prayer in honor of St. Gianna] [Oración de la Novena a Santa Gianna]

May 3 - May 11: Mother's Day Novena ( [Oración para las Madres]

April 20-May 28: Easter Prayer for Life (  [Oracion Pascual Por La Vida]

May 29-June 8: Pentecost Novena for Life ( [Novena al Espíritu Santo Por La Vida] [Video]

June 7-15: Father's Day Novena ( [Oración por Los Padres] [Video]

June 26-July 4: Prayer of Thanks for our Nation's Independence ( [Oración de Gracias por la Independencia de nuestro país] [Video]

August 7-15:  Assumption Novena for Life ( [Novena a la Asunción]

August 28-September 5: Novena in Honor of St. Mother Teresa (  [Novena a la Madre Teresa]

September 20-28: Novena for Priests, leading to Priesthood Sunday ( [Novena para el Sacerdocio]

October 8-16: Novena to St. Gerard Majella ( (Patron Saint of Pregnancy and Childbirth) [Novena a San Gerardo Majella Patrón de las madres embarazadas y auxilio en el parto]

October 14-22: Novena to St. John Paul II ( [Oración en honor del Santo Papa Juan Pablo II] [Watch a video of this prayer]

December 4-12: Our Lady of Guadalupe Novena (  [Novena a Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe]

November 30-December 24: Advent Prayer for Life  ( [Oración de Adviento por la Vida]


September 1 - November 3: Election Novena for Life ( [Una Oración por nuestra Nación mientras nos Preparamos para Elegir a Nuestros Líderes]

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: