St. Gabriel

Luke’s Gospel tells us that Gabriel was sent to Mary to announce the good news of her pregnancy. The pro-life movement repeats St. Gabriel’s message to all who are pregnant: “Do not be afraid!” St. Gabriel’s Feast Day is September 29.

St. Gabriel the Archangel,
You had the great privilege
To announce to the Virgin Mary
That she would be the Mother of God.

This was an unexpected pregnancy,
And Mary was confused.

Yet with your assurance,
She said “Yes” to God’s plan,
Despite the fact that she did not fully grasp it.

You spoke clearly to her the words,
“Do not be afraid.”

Intercede today for all mothers
Who have an unexpected pregnancy
And feel that they cannot handle it.

Pray to God to take their fear away,
And to have the wisdom to reach out
To those who can help them and their babies.

May the entire Church
And the entire pro-life movement
Echo your invitation to leave fear behind
And to trust God’s plan for our lives.

St. Gabriel, pray for us!

Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life

Priests for Life
PO Box 236695 • Cocoa, FL 32923
Tel. 321-500-1000, Toll Free 888-735-3448 • Email: