Lord Jesus Christ,
Who together with the Father, send us your Holy Spirit,
You taught us that the Spirit would convict the world of sin,
That he would enlighten us about what is right and what is wrong,
And show us where we have been unfaithful to your Word.
Jesus, you told us that the Holy Spirit
Would remind us of all that you taught us,
And lead us into the fullness of truth.
We pray, therefore, for the Spirit to come
And enlighten us about our own sins,
Especially those that are hidden or that we too easily try to justify.
We pray also that the same Spirit
Will enlighten all who are deceived by the sin of abortion.
Send the Holy Spirit upon all who say they are “pro-choice,”
And change their minds and hearts.
Enable them to see that abortion is violence, and evil,
And that there is never a reason to kill a baby.
We pray that the Holy Spirit will come on every judge and lawmaker.
Free them from the falsehood that they are supposed to be neutral
About life and death,
And remind them that their first duty is to protect life.
Let the Spirit come to every abortionist and clinic worker
And set them free from the lie that they are helping women.
Enable them instead to see that abortion is destroying women and everyone else.
Send your Spirit, and close every abortion clinic,
Stop the suction machines,
And keep the forceps far away from the sanctuary of the womb.
Change every supporter of Planned Parenthood and of abortion
Into a supporter of life!
Lord, through the power of Your Spirit,
Break the power of denial,
And send far away the spirt of deception.
Cancel the power of false ideas
That tell people the baby isn’t really a baby
Or that abortion isn’t really killing.
Let falsehood flee in the presence of the Spirt of Truth,
And let that Spirit bring our every thought into line with the truth of Christ,
Which sets us free.
Set our whole world free from the lie, the sin, the darkness of abortion.
And as that Spirit convicts the world of sin,
So let repentance, forgiveness, righteousness and healing fill the land.
Bring us all to the fullness of Your Kingdom of Life,
For you live and reign forever and ever! Amen!
Fr. Frank Pavone, National Director, Priests for Life